I love fault lines that expose the US "global domination" project. One such fault line is the Chad/Sudan border, Chad and Chevron flowing west, Sudan and China National Petroleum Corp flowing east, with the Darfur "humanitarian interventionist" imperial project *wedged* between.
But the Kurd fault line is the "most beautiful" of all and written up by one of my favorites - Gwynne Dyer.
(you can find his work archived here, http://www.gwynnedyer.net/articles2007.htm )
Here is the article in question
The Kurds live in North Iraq, but they also live in parts of Iran, Turkey and Syria. They dream of a state made whole. The USA uses this dream and a group of "freedom fighters" known as PJAK (Party of Free Life of Kurdistan) to attack and "yugoslavize" Iran. Once Iran disintegrates, the Kurds get their part of the territory.
In the west is a Kurdish "terrorist group" known as Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). They are doing to Turkey what the PJAK is doing to Iran and for the same reason. The PKK threaten to unravel Bush's WWIII because Bush needs Turkey in the box in order to attack Iran.
The PJAK and the PKK are the same people - the same group. Finally, a group that is *both* "freedom fighter" and "terrorist".
Read the article. The story gets better.
Actually the PKK are trained and financed by Israeli agents and they use military equipment bearing serial numbers of "stolen" US arms but that is another article.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
"Defense Planning Guidance for 1994-99", written by Paul Wolfowitz,
This remains the principal aim of US strategy today, but it has now been joined by another key objective:
This classic geopolitical contest began early 2001, White House
May 4 (2006), when Vice President Dick Cheney went to Lithuania,
The next day, Cheney flew to Kazakhstan,
June 3, 2006, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld weighed in on China,
China ... aggressive energy policies - ...
Iran occupies a pivotal position on the tripolar chessboard.
For China's energy plans, Iran's "pariah" status has certainly been a boon.
Russia, has an abiding interest in not seeing
Since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the
This has imposed a ghastly and mounting cost on the United States.
the Russians and Chinese have begun to create something of a counter-bloc to the United States in Central Asia, using the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as a vehicle.
At the same time, the United States has sought to line up its own allies -
"Defense Planning Guidance for 1994-99", written by Paul Wolfowitz,
- "Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union,"
This remains the principal aim of US strategy today, but it has now been joined by another key objective:
- to ensure that the United States - and no one else - controls the energy supplies of the Persian Gulf and adjacent areas of Asia
This classic geopolitical contest began early 2001, White House
- unilaterally repudiating the US-Russian Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and
- announcing new high-tech arms sales to Taiwan,
May 4 (2006), when Vice President Dick Cheney went to Lithuania,
- He accused Kremlin officials of "unfairly and improperly" restricting the rights of Russian citizens and of
- using the country's abundant oil and gas supplies as "tools of intimidation [and] blackmail" against its neighbors. He also
- condemned Moscow for attempting to "monopolize the transportation" of oil and gas supplies in Eurasia - a direct challenge to US interests in the Caspian region.
The next day, Cheney flew to Kazakhstan,
- urged that country's leaders to ship their plentiful oil through a US-sponsored pipeline to Turkey and the Mediterranean rather than through Russian-controlled pipelines to Europe.
June 3, 2006, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld weighed in on China,
- Beijing's "lack of transparency" with respect to its military spending "understandably causes concerns for some of its neighbors".
- publicly announced plans for increased US spending on sophisticated weapons systems such as the F-22A fighter and Virginia-class nuclear attack submarines that could only be useful in a big-power war for which there were just two realistic adversaries - Russia and China.
China ... aggressive energy policies - ...
- its increasing attempts to nail down oil and gas supplies for its burgeoning, energy-poor economy. ...
- China's use of arms transfers and other military aid as inducements to such countries as Iran and Sudan to gain access to energy reserves ...
- acquiring warships "that could serve as the basis for a force capable of power projection" into the oil-producing regions of the planet.
Iran occupies a pivotal position on the tripolar chessboard.
- abuts both the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea, positioning Tehran to play a significant role in the two areas of greatest energy concern to the United States, Russia and China.
- abuts the strategic Strait of Hormuz - the narrow waterway from the Gulf to the Indian Ocean through which about one-quarter of the world's oil moves every day.
- could be used as the most obvious transit route for the delivery of oil and natural gas from the Caspian countries to global markets, especially in Europe and Japan.
- possesses the world's second-largest reserves of petroleum - an estimated 132 billion barrels (11.1% of the world's known reservoirs); and also the second-largest reserves of natural gas - 971 trillion cubic feet (27.5 trillion cubic meters, or 15.3% of known reservoirs).
For China's energy plans, Iran's "pariah" status has certainly been a boon.
- US firms are barred from investing and European companies face US economic penalties if they do
- China signs deal US$50 billion in 2004 to develop the massive Yadavaran gas field and to
- buy 10 million tons of Iranian liquefied natural gas annually for 25 years.
Russia, has an abiding interest in not seeing
- energy-rich Iran fall under the sway of the US and,
- as a major supplier of nuclear equipment and technology, also has a special interest in lending a profitable hand to Iran's energy establishment.
- The Russians are completing the construction of a civilian nuclear reactor at Bushehr in southwestern Iran, a $1 billion project, and are
- eager to sell more reactors and other nuclear-energy systems to the Iranians
- the replacement of the clerical government in Tehran with a US-friendly regime would represent a colossal, threefold accomplishment:
- it would eliminate a major threat to America's continued dominance of the Persian Gulf,
- open up the world's No 2 oil-and-gas supplier to US energy firms, and
- greatly diminish Chinese and Russian influence in the greater Gulf region.
Since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the
- US position in both the Persian Gulf region and Central Asia has noticeably deteriorated.
- greatest weakness remains the schism in US-European relations created by the unilateral US invasion itself
- Europeans have largely refrained from helping out either in the counter-insurgency effort in Iraq or in
- funding the reconstruction of the country.
This has imposed a ghastly and mounting cost on the United States.
the Russians and Chinese have begun to create something of a counter-bloc to the United States in Central Asia, using the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as a vehicle.
- went so far as to invite Iran to join as an observer - to the obvious displeasure of Washington.
At the same time, the United States has sought to line up its own allies -
- including South Asian wildcard India - for a possible military confrontation with Iran.
- The German press has also reported that former CIA director Peter Goss visited Turkey late last year (2005) to request that country's assistance in conducting air strikes against Iran.
Map Source: Europe and America: Sharing the Spoils of War
The leadership class in the US is now dominated by a neo-conservative group of people with the shared goal of asserting US military power worldwide. This global dominance group, in cooperation with major military contractors, has become a powerful force in world military unilateralism and US political processes. This research study is an attempt to identify the general parameters of those who are the key actors supporting a global dominance agenda and how collectively this group has benefited from the events of September 11, 2001 and irregularities in the 2004 presidential election.
This study examines how interlocking public private partnerships, including the corporate media, public relations firms, military contractors, policy elites, and government officials, jointly support a US military global domination agenda.
Foundations of the Global Dominance Group
Leo Strauss, Albert Wohlstetter and others at the University of Chicago working in the Committee on Social Thought have been widely credited for promoting the neoconservative agenda through their students, Paul Wolfowitz, Allan Bloom and Bloom's student Richard Perle. Adbuster summed up neo-conservatism as:
"The belief that Democracy, however flawed, was best defended by an ignorant public pumped on nationalism and religion. Only a militantly nationalist state could deter human aggression …Such nationalism requires an external threat and if one cannot be found it must be manufactured."15
The neo-conservative philosophy emerged from the 1960's era of social revolutions and political correctness, as a counter force to expanding liberalism and cultural relativism. Numerous officials and associates in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush Presidencies were strongly influenced by the neo-conservative philosophy including: John Ashcroft, Charles Fairbanks, Dick Cheney, Kenneth Adelman, Elliot Abrams, William Kristol and Douglas Feith.16
Appendix A
Defense Contracts
2004 Total Revenue 2004
% from DOD
Lockheed Martin Corporation $20,690,912,117 $35,526,000,000 58%
General Dynamics Corporation $9,563,280,236 $19,178,000,000 50%
Raytheon Company $8,472,818,938 $20,245,000,000 42%
Northrop Grumman Corporation $11,894,090,277 $29,853,000,000 40%
Halliburton Company $7,996,793,706 $20,464,000,000 39%
Science Applications International $2,450,781,108 $7,187,000,000 34%
The Boeing Company $17,066,412,718 $52,457,000,000 33%
The Carlyle Group $1,442,680,446 N/A N/A
Bell Boeing Joint Program $1,539,815,440 (Boeing) NA
Appendix B
PNAC Project For New American Century
HO Hoover Institute
AEI American Enterprise Institute
HU Hudson Institute
NSC National Security Council
HF Heritage Foundation
DPB Defense Policy Board
CPD Committee on Present Danger
JINSA Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs
MI Manhattan Institute
CLI Committee for the Liberation of Iraq
CSP Center for Security Policy: Institute for Strategic Studies
CSIS Center for Strategic and Int’l Studies
NIPP National Institute for Public Policy
AIPAC American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Team B Presidents Foreign Advisory Board
Important Agencies and Other Organizations
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
DoD Department of Defense
DoS Department of State
CFR Council on Foreign Relations
DoJ Department of Justice
DoC Department of Commerce
WHOMB White House Office of Management and Budget
DoE Department of Energy
DPB Defense Policy Board
DoT Department of Transportation
NSA National Security Agency
Note: In selecting the sixteen important neo-conservative GPG advocacy organizations we relied mostly on the International Relations Center website: http://rightweb.irc-online.org/, The Center for Public Integrity at: www.publicintegrity.org and other sources cited in this paper
1. Abramowitz Morton I.; PNAC, NSC, Asst. Sec. of State, Amb. to Turkey, Amb. To Thailand, CISS, Carlyle
2. Abrams, Elliott; PNAC, Heritage, DoS, HU, Special Asst. to President Bush, NSC
3. Adelman, Ken; PNAC, CPD, DoD, DPB, Fox News, CPD, Affairs, Commander in Chief
Strategic Air Command, Northrop Grumman, Arms Control Disarmament Agency
4. Aldrige, E.C. Jr.; CFR, PNAC, NSA, HU, HF, Sec. of the Air Force, Asst. Sec. of State, Douglas Aircraft, DoD, LTV Aerospace, WHOMB, Strategic Systems Group, Aerospace Corp. 20
5. Allen, Richard V.; PNAC, HF, HO, CFR, CPD, DPB, CNN, US Congress, CIAAnalyst,CSIS, NSC
6. Amitay, Morris J.; JINSA, AIPAC
7. Andrews, D.P.; SAIC
8. Andrews, Michael; L-3 Communications Holdings, Deputy Asst. Sec. of Research and Technology, Chief Scientist for the US Army
9. Archibald, Nolan D.; Lockheed Martin
10. Baker, James, III, Caryle, Sec. of State (Bush), Sec. of Tres. (Reagan)
11. Barr, William P.; HF, HO, PNAC, CFR, NSA, US Congress, Asst. to the President (Reagan), Carlyle,
12. Barram, David J.; Computer Sciences Corporation, US DoC
13. Barrett, Barbara; Raytheon
14. Bauer, Gary; PNAC, Under Sec. of Ed.
15. Bechtel, Riley; Bechtel
16. Bechtel, Steve; Bechtel
17. Bell, Jeffrey; PNAC, MI
18. Bennett, Marcus C.; Lockheed Martin
19. Bennett, William J.; PNAC, NSA, HU, Sec. of Education
20. Bergner, Jeffrey; PNAC, HU, Boeing
21. Berns, Walter; AEI, CPD
22. Biggs, John H.; Boeing, CFR
23. Blechman, Barry; DoD, CPD
24. Bolton, John; JINSA, PNAC, AEI, DoS, DoJ, Amb. to UN, WH Legis. Counsil, Agency Int’l Devel, Under Sec. State Arms Control-Int’l Security
25. Boot, Max; PNAC, CFR
26. Bremer, L. Paul; HF, CFR, Administrator of Iraq
27. Brock, William; CPD, Senator, Sec. of Labor
28. Brooks, Peter; DoD, Heritage, CPD
29. Bryen, Stephen; JINSA, AEI, DoD, L-3 Network Security, Edison Int’l, Disney
30. Bryson, John E.; Boeing
31. Bush, Jeb; PNAC, Governor of Florida
32. Bush, Geroge H. W., President, Carlyle, CIA Dir.
33. Bush, Wes; Northrop Grumman
34. Cambone, Stephen; PNAC, NSA, DoD, Los Alamos (specialized in theater nuclear weapons issues), Ofc. Sec. Defense: Dir. Strategic Def., CSIS, CSP
35. Chabraja, Nicholas D.; General Dynamics
36. Chain, John T. Jr. Northrup Grumman, Sec. of the Air Force, Dir. of Politico-MilitaryAffairs, DoS, Chief of Staff for Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Commander in Chief Strategic Air Command
37. Chao, Elaine; HF, Sec. of Labor, Gulf Oil, US DoT, CFR
38. Chavez, Linda; PNAC, MI, CFR
39. Cheney, Lynne; AEI, Lockheed Martin
40. Cheney, Richard; JINSA, PNAC, JINSA, AEI, HU, Halliburton, Sec. of Defense, VP of US
41. Cohen Eliot A.; PNAC, AEI, DPB, DoD, CLI, CPD
42. Coleman, Lewis W.; Northrop Grumman
43. Colloredo-Manfeld, Ferdinand; Raytheon
44. Cook, Linda Z.; Boeing
45. Cooper, Dr. Robert S.; BAE Systems, Asst. Sec. of Defense
46. Cooper, Henry; CPD, DoD, Heritage, Depty Asst. Sec. Air Force, US Arms Control Disarm. Strategic Def. Initiative, Applied Research Assoc, NIPP 21
47. Cox, Christopher; CSP, Senior Associate Counsel to the President, Chairman: SEC.
48. Crandall, Robert L.; Halliburton, FAA Man. Advisor Bd.
49. Cropsey, Seth; PNAC, AEI, HF, HU, DoD, Under-Sec. Navy
50. Cross, Devon Gaffney; PNAC, DPB, HF, CPD, HO
51. Crouch, J.D.; CSP, Depty. National Security Advisor, DoD, Amb. to Romania
52. Crown, James S.; General Dynamics, Henry Crown and Co.
53. Crown, Lester; General Dynamics, Henry Crown and Co.
54. Dachs, Alan; Bechtel, CFR
55. Dahlburg, Ken; SAIC, DoC, Asst. to Reagan, WHOMB
56. Darman, Richard G.; Carlyle, Dir. of the US Office of Management and Budget, President Bush's Cabinet, Asst. to the President of the US, Deputy Sec. of the US Treasury, Asst. US Sec. of Commerce
57. Dawson, Peter; Bechtel
58. Decter, Midge; HF, HO, PNAC, CPD
59. Demmish, W.H.; SAIC
60. DeMuth, Christopher; AEI, US Office of Management and Budget, Asst. to Pres. (Nixon)
61. Derr, Kenneth T.; Halliburton
62. Deutch, John; Dir. CIA, Deputy Sec. of Defense, Raytheon
63. Dine, Thomas; CLI, US Senate (Church, Ed. Kennedy), AIPAC, US Agency Int’l Development, Free Radio Europe/Radio Liberty, Prague, Czech Rep., CFR
64. Dobriansky, Paula; PNAC, HU, AEI, CPB, DoS, Army, NSC European/Soviet Affairs, USIA, ISS
65. Donnelly, Thomas; AEI, PNAC, Lockheed Martin
66. Downing, Wayne, Ret. Gen. US Army, NSA, CLI, SAIC
67. Drummond, J.A.; SAIC
68. Duberstein, Kenneth M.; Boeing, WH Chief of Staff
69. Dudley, Bill; Bechtel
70. Eberstadt, Nicholas; AEI, CPD, PNAC, DoS (consultant)
71. Ebner, Stanley; Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman, CSP
72. Ellis, James O. Jr.; Lockheed Martin, Retired Navy Admiral and Commander US Strategic Command
73. Epstein David, PNAC, Office of Sec. Defense
74. Everhart, Thomas; Raytheon
75. Falcoff, Mark; AEI, CFR
76. Fautua, David; PNAC, Lt. Col. US Army
77. Fazio, Vic; Northrup Grumman, Congressman (CA)
78. Feith, Douglas; JINSA, DoD, L-3 Communications, Northrup Grumman, NSC, CFR, CPS
79. Feulner, Edwin J. Jr.; HF, HO, Sec. HUD, Inst. European Def. & Strategy Studies, CSIS
80. Foley, D.H.; SAIC
81. Fradkin, Hillel; PNAC, AEI,
82. Frank, Stephen E.; Northrop Grumman
83. Fricks, William P.; General Dynamics
84. Friedberg, Aaron; PNAC, CFR, NSA, DoD, CIA consultant
85. Frost, Phillip (M.D.); Northrop Grumman
86. Fukuyama, Francis; PNAC, CFR, HU
87. Gates, Robert, CIA-dir. NSA, SAIC
88. Gaffney, Frank; CPD, PNAC, Washington Times, DoD
89. Gaut, C. Christopher; Halliburton
90. Gedmin, Jeffrey; AEI, PNAC, CPD
91. Gerecht, Reuel Marc; PNAC, AEI, CIA, CBS 22
92. Gillis, S. Malcom; Halliburton, Electronic Data Systems Corp
93. Gingrich, Newt; AEI, CFR, HO, DPB, U.S House of Reps., CLI, CPD
94. Goodman, Charles H.; General Dynamics
95. Gorelick, Jamie S. United Technologies Corporation, Deputy attorney general, DoD, Asst. to the Sec. of Energy, National Com. Terrorist Threats Upon the US, DoJ, Nat’lSecurity Adv., CIA, CFR
96. Gouré, Daniel; DoD, SAIC, DoE, DoS (consultant), CSP
97. Haas, Lawrence J.; Communications WHOMB, CPD
98. Hadley, Stephen; NSA advisor to Bush, Lockheed Martin
99. Hamre, John J. ITT Industries, SAIC, U. S. Dep. Sec. of Defense, Under Sec. of Defense,
Senate Armed Services Committee
100. Hash, Tom; Bechtel
101. Haynes, Bill; Bechtel
102. Hoeber, Amoretta; CSP, Defense Industry consultant, CPD, CFR, DoD
103. Horner, Charles; HU, CSP, DoS, Staff member of Sen. Daniel Patrick Moyihan
104. Howell, W.R.; Halliburton, Dir. Deutsche Bank
105. Hunt, Ray L.; Halliburton, Electronic Data Systems Corp, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
106. Inman, Bobby Ray; Ret. Adm. US Navy, CIA-Dir, CFR, NSA, SAIC
107. Ikle, Fred; AEI, PNAC, CPD, HU, DPB, Under Sec. DoD, Def. Policy Board
108. Iorizzo, Robert P.; Northrop Grumman
109. Jackson, Bruce; PNAC, NSA, AEI, CFR, Office of Sec. of Def., US Army Military Intelligence, Lockheed Martin, Martin Marietta, CLI, CPD
110. Jennings, Sir John, Bechtel
111. Johnson, Jay L.;General Dynamics, Retired Admiral, US Navy
112. Jones, A.K.; SAIC, DoD
113. Joseph, Robert; Under Sec. of State for Arms Control and Int’l Security Affairs, DoD,
114. Joulwan, George A.; General Dynamics, Retired General, US Army
115. Kagan, Frederick PNAC, West Point Military Academy
116. Kagan, Robert; PNAC, CFR, DoS (Deputy for Policy), Washington Post, CLI, editor Weekly Standard
117. Kaminski, Paul G. General Dynamics, Under Sec. of US Department of Defense
118. Kaminsky, Phyllis ; JINSA, CSP, NSC, Int’l Pub. Rel. Society,
119. Kampelman, Max M.; PNAC, JINSA, CPD, Sec. Housing and Urban Development,
120. Keane, John M. General Dynamics, Retired General, US Army, Vice Chief of Staff of the
Army, DoD Policy Board
121. Kennard, William, Carlyle, NY Times, FCC
122. Kemble, Penn; PNAC, DoS, USIA
123. Kemp, Jack; JINSA, HF, Sec. of HUD, US House of Reps., CPD
124. Keyworth, George; CSP, HU, Los Alamos, General Atomics, NSC
125. Khalilzad, Zalmay; PNAC, Amb. to Iraq
126. King, Gwendolyn S.; Lockheed Martin
127. Kirkpatrick, Jeane; AEI, JINSA, CFR, CPD, NSA, Sec. of Defense Commission, US
Rep. to UN, CLI, CPD, Carlyle
128. Kramer, H.M.J., Jr.; SAIC
129. Kristol, Irving; CFR, AEI, DoD, Wall Street Journal Board of Contributors
130. Kristol, William; PNAC, AEI, MI, VP Chief of Staff ‘89, CLI, Domes. Policy Adv. To VP, ‘89
131. Kupperman, Charles; CPD, Boeing, NIPP 23
132. Lagon, Mark; PNAC, CFR, AEI, DoS
133. Lane, Andrew; Halliburton
134. Larson, Charles R.; Retired Admiral of the US Navy, Northrop Grumman
135. Laspa Jude; Bechtel
136. Ledeen, Michael; AEI, JINSA, DoS (consultant), DoD
137. Lehman, John; PNAC, NSA, DoD, Sec. of Navy
138. Lehrman, Lewis E.; AEI, MI, HF, G.W. Bush Oil Co. partner
139. Lesar, Dave; Halliburton
140. Libby, I. Lewis; PNAC, Chief of Staff to Dick Cheney, DoS, Northrup Grumman, RAND, DoD, House of Rep., Team B
141. Livingston, Robert; House of Rep., CSP, DoJ
142. Loy, James M., Lockheed Martin, Retired US Navy Admiral
143. Malone, C.B.; SAIC, Martin Marietta, DynCorp, Titan Corp., CLI, CPD
144. Martin, J. Landis; Halliburton
145. McCorkindale, Douglas H.; Lockheed Martin
146. McDonnell, John F.; Boeing
147. McFarlane, Robert; National Security Advisor (Reagan), CPD, Bush's Transition Advisory Committee on Trade
148. McNerney, James W.; Boeing, 3M, GE
149. Meese, Edwin; HF, HO, US Attorney General, Bechtel, CPD
150. Merrill, Philip; CSP, DoD, Import-Export Bank of US
151. Minihan, Kenneth A.; Ret. General US Air Force, BAE Systems, DoD, Defense Intelligence Agency
152. Moore, Frank W.; Northrop Grumman
153. Moore, Nick; Bechtel
154. Moorman, Thomas S.; CSP, Aerospace Corporation, Rumsfeld Space Commission, US Air Force: Former vice chief of staff
155. Mundy, Carl E. Jr.; General Dynamics, Retired General, US Marine Corps Commandant
156. Muravchik, Joshua; AEI, JINSA, PNAC, CLI, CPD
157. Murphy, Eugene F.; Lockheed Martin, GE
158. Nanula, Richard; Boeing
159. Novak, Michael; AEI, CPD
160. Nunn, Sam; GE, US Senator, Chairman Senate Armed Services Committee
161. O'Brien, Rosanne; Northrop Grumman, Carlyle
162. Odeen, Philip A.; Defense and Arms Control Staff for Henry Kissinger, TRW, Northrop
163. Ogilvie, Scott; Bechtel
164. Owens, William, Ret. Adm. US Navy, DPB, Joint Chiefs of Staff, SAIC
165. Perle, Richard; AEI, PNAC, CPD, CFR, NSA, JINSA, HU, DoD, DPD, CLI, Carlyle
166. Peters, Aulana L.; Northrop Grumman, SEC
167. Pipes, Daniel; PNAC, CPD, Team B
168. Podhoretz, Norman; PNAC, CPD, HU, CFR
169. Poses, Frederic; Raytheon
170. Precourt, Jay A.; Halliburton
171. Quayle, Dan; PNAC, VP US
172. Ralston, Joseph W.; Lockheed Martin, Retired Air Force Gen., Vice Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
173. Reed, Deborah L.; Halliburton, Pres. Southern CA. Gas & Elec
174. Ridgeway, Rozanne; Boeing, Asst. Sec. of State- Europe and Canada, Amb. German Democratic Republic, Finland, DoD
175. Riscassi, Robert; L-3 Communications Holdings, UN Command/Korea, Army vice chief 24
of staff; Joint Chiefs of Staff
176. Roche, James; Sec. of the Air Force, CSP, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, DoS
177. Rodman, Peter W.; PNAC, NSA, Asst. Sec. of Defense for Int’l Security Affairs, DoS,
178. Rowen, Henry S.; PNAC, HO, CFR, DPB, DoD
179. Rubenstein, David M.; Carlysle, Deputy Asst. to the President for Domestic Policy (Carter)
180. Rubin, Michael; AEI, CFR, Office of Sec. of Defense
181. Rudman, Warren; US Senator, Raytheon
182. Ruettgers, Michael; Raytheon
183. Rumsfeld, Donald; PNAC, HO, Sec. of Defense, Bechtel, Tribune Co.
184. Sanderson, E.J.; SAIC
185. Savage, Frank; Lockheed Martin
186. Scaife, Richard Mellon; HO, HF, CPD, Tribune Review Publishing Co.
187. Scheunemann, Randy; PNAC, Office of Sec. of Defense (consultant), Lockheed Martin,
CLI Founder /Dir., CPD
188. Schlesinger, James ; DoE, Atomic Energy Commission, Dir. CIA, CSP
189. Schmitt, Gary; PNAC, CLI, DoD (consultant), CLI
190. Schneider, William, Jr.; BAE Systems, PNAC, DoS, House of Rep./Senate staffer, WHOMB, CSP, NIPP
191. Schultz, George; HO, AEI, CPD, CFR, PNAC, Sec. of State, Sec. of Treasury, Bechtel, CLI, CPD
192. Shalikashvili, John M.; Boeing, Retired Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, DoD, Ret.
Gen. US Army, CFR
193. Sharer, Kevin; Northrup Grumman, US Naval Academy, Ret. Lt. Com. US Navy
194. Sheehan, Jack, Bechtel, DPB
195. Shelman, Thomas W.; Northrup Grumman, DoD
196. Shulsky, Abram; PNAC, DoD
197. Skates, Ronald L.; Raytheon
198. Slaughter, John Brooks; Northrop Grumman
199. Sokolski, Henry; PNAC, HF, HO, CIA, DoD
200. Solarz, Stephen; PNAC, HU, DoS, CPD, Carlyle
201. Spivey, William; Raytheon
202. Statton, Tim; Bechtel
203. Stevens, Anne; Lockheed Martin
204. Stevens, Robert J.; Lockheed Martin
205. Stuntz, Linda; Raytheon, US DoE
206. Sugar, Ronald D.; Northrup Grumman, Association of the US Army
207. Swanson, William; Raytheon, Lockheed Martin
208. Tkacik, John; PNAC, HF, US Senate
209. Turner, Michael J.; BAE Systems
210. Ukropina, James R., Lockheed Martin
211. Van Cleave, William R.; Team B, HO, CSP, CPD, DoD, NIPP
212. Waldron, Arthur; CSP, AEI, PNAC, CFR
213. Walkush, J.P.; SAIC
214. Wallop, Malcolm; Heritage, HU, CSP, PNAC, Senate
215. Walmsley, Robert; General Dynamics, Retired Vice-Admiral, Royal Navy, Chief of Defense Procurement for the UK Ministry of Defense
216. Warner, John Hillard; SAIC, US Army/Airforce Assn.
217. Watts, Barry; PNAC Northrop Grumman
218. Weber, John Vincent (Vin); PNAC, George W. Bush Campaign Advisor, NPR
219. Wedgewood, Ruth; CLI, DoD, DoJ, DoS, CFR 25
220. Weldon, Curt; House of Rep, CSP
221. Weyrich, Paul; HF, PNAC, US Senate
222. White, John P.; L-3 Communications, Chair of the Com. on Roles and Missions of the Armed Forces, DoD
223. Wieseltier, Leon; PNAC, CLI
224. Williams, Christopher A.; PNAC, DPB, Under Sec. for Defense, Boeing (lobbyist), Northrop Grumman (lobbyist), CLI
225. Winter, Donald C; Northrop Grumman
226. Wolfowitz, Paul; PNAC, HF, HU, Team B, Under-Sec. Defense, World Bank, Northrop Grumman, DoS
227. Wollen, Foster; Bectel
228. Woolsey R. James; PNAC, JINSA, CLI, DPB, CIA (Dir.), Under Sec. of Navy, NIPP
229. Wurmser, David; AEI, Office of VP Middle East Adviser, DoS
230. Yearly, Douglas C.; Lockheed Martin
231. Young, A.T.; SAIC
232. Zaccaria, Adrian; Bechtel
233. Zafirovski, Michael S.; Boeing
234. Zakheim, Dov S.; PNAC, HF, CFR, DoD, Northrup Grumman, McDonnell Douglas, CPD
235. Zinni, Anthony C.; Retired General US Marines, BAE Systems, Commander in Chief
US Central Command
236. Zoellick, Robert; PNAC, US Trade Representative, DoS, CSIS, CFR, DOJ
Map Source: Europe and America: Sharing the Spoils of War
The leadership class in the US is now dominated by a neo-conservative group of people with the shared goal of asserting US military power worldwide. This global dominance group, in cooperation with major military contractors, has become a powerful force in world military unilateralism and US political processes. This research study is an attempt to identify the general parameters of those who are the key actors supporting a global dominance agenda and how collectively this group has benefited from the events of September 11, 2001 and irregularities in the 2004 presidential election.
This study examines how interlocking public private partnerships, including the corporate media, public relations firms, military contractors, policy elites, and government officials, jointly support a US military global domination agenda.
Foundations of the Global Dominance Group
Leo Strauss, Albert Wohlstetter and others at the University of Chicago working in the Committee on Social Thought have been widely credited for promoting the neoconservative agenda through their students, Paul Wolfowitz, Allan Bloom and Bloom's student Richard Perle. Adbuster summed up neo-conservatism as:
"The belief that Democracy, however flawed, was best defended by an ignorant public pumped on nationalism and religion. Only a militantly nationalist state could deter human aggression …Such nationalism requires an external threat and if one cannot be found it must be manufactured."15
The neo-conservative philosophy emerged from the 1960's era of social revolutions and political correctness, as a counter force to expanding liberalism and cultural relativism. Numerous officials and associates in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush Presidencies were strongly influenced by the neo-conservative philosophy including: John Ashcroft, Charles Fairbanks, Dick Cheney, Kenneth Adelman, Elliot Abrams, William Kristol and Douglas Feith.16
Appendix A
Defense Contracts
2004 Total Revenue 2004
% from DOD
Lockheed Martin Corporation $20,690,912,117 $35,526,000,000 58%
General Dynamics Corporation $9,563,280,236 $19,178,000,000 50%
Raytheon Company $8,472,818,938 $20,245,000,000 42%
Northrop Grumman Corporation $11,894,090,277 $29,853,000,000 40%
Halliburton Company $7,996,793,706 $20,464,000,000 39%
Science Applications International $2,450,781,108 $7,187,000,000 34%
The Boeing Company $17,066,412,718 $52,457,000,000 33%
The Carlyle Group $1,442,680,446 N/A N/A
Bell Boeing Joint Program $1,539,815,440 (Boeing) NA
Appendix B
PNAC Project For New American Century
HO Hoover Institute
AEI American Enterprise Institute
HU Hudson Institute
NSC National Security Council
HF Heritage Foundation
DPB Defense Policy Board
CPD Committee on Present Danger
JINSA Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs
MI Manhattan Institute
CLI Committee for the Liberation of Iraq
CSP Center for Security Policy: Institute for Strategic Studies
CSIS Center for Strategic and Int’l Studies
NIPP National Institute for Public Policy
AIPAC American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Team B Presidents Foreign Advisory Board
Important Agencies and Other Organizations
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
DoD Department of Defense
DoS Department of State
CFR Council on Foreign Relations
DoJ Department of Justice
DoC Department of Commerce
WHOMB White House Office of Management and Budget
DoE Department of Energy
DPB Defense Policy Board
DoT Department of Transportation
NSA National Security Agency
Note: In selecting the sixteen important neo-conservative GPG advocacy organizations we relied mostly on the International Relations Center website: http://rightweb.irc-online.org/, The Center for Public Integrity at: www.publicintegrity.org and other sources cited in this paper
1. Abramowitz Morton I.; PNAC, NSC, Asst. Sec. of State, Amb. to Turkey, Amb. To Thailand, CISS, Carlyle
2. Abrams, Elliott; PNAC, Heritage, DoS, HU, Special Asst. to President Bush, NSC
3. Adelman, Ken; PNAC, CPD, DoD, DPB, Fox News, CPD, Affairs, Commander in Chief
Strategic Air Command, Northrop Grumman, Arms Control Disarmament Agency
4. Aldrige, E.C. Jr.; CFR, PNAC, NSA, HU, HF, Sec. of the Air Force, Asst. Sec. of State, Douglas Aircraft, DoD, LTV Aerospace, WHOMB, Strategic Systems Group, Aerospace Corp. 20
5. Allen, Richard V.; PNAC, HF, HO, CFR, CPD, DPB, CNN, US Congress, CIAAnalyst,CSIS, NSC
6. Amitay, Morris J.; JINSA, AIPAC
7. Andrews, D.P.; SAIC
8. Andrews, Michael; L-3 Communications Holdings, Deputy Asst. Sec. of Research and Technology, Chief Scientist for the US Army
9. Archibald, Nolan D.; Lockheed Martin
10. Baker, James, III, Caryle, Sec. of State (Bush), Sec. of Tres. (Reagan)
11. Barr, William P.; HF, HO, PNAC, CFR, NSA, US Congress, Asst. to the President (Reagan), Carlyle,
12. Barram, David J.; Computer Sciences Corporation, US DoC
13. Barrett, Barbara; Raytheon
14. Bauer, Gary; PNAC, Under Sec. of Ed.
15. Bechtel, Riley; Bechtel
16. Bechtel, Steve; Bechtel
17. Bell, Jeffrey; PNAC, MI
18. Bennett, Marcus C.; Lockheed Martin
19. Bennett, William J.; PNAC, NSA, HU, Sec. of Education
20. Bergner, Jeffrey; PNAC, HU, Boeing
21. Berns, Walter; AEI, CPD
22. Biggs, John H.; Boeing, CFR
23. Blechman, Barry; DoD, CPD
24. Bolton, John; JINSA, PNAC, AEI, DoS, DoJ, Amb. to UN, WH Legis. Counsil, Agency Int’l Devel, Under Sec. State Arms Control-Int’l Security
25. Boot, Max; PNAC, CFR
26. Bremer, L. Paul; HF, CFR, Administrator of Iraq
27. Brock, William; CPD, Senator, Sec. of Labor
28. Brooks, Peter; DoD, Heritage, CPD
29. Bryen, Stephen; JINSA, AEI, DoD, L-3 Network Security, Edison Int’l, Disney
30. Bryson, John E.; Boeing
31. Bush, Jeb; PNAC, Governor of Florida
32. Bush, Geroge H. W., President, Carlyle, CIA Dir.
33. Bush, Wes; Northrop Grumman
34. Cambone, Stephen; PNAC, NSA, DoD, Los Alamos (specialized in theater nuclear weapons issues), Ofc. Sec. Defense: Dir. Strategic Def., CSIS, CSP
35. Chabraja, Nicholas D.; General Dynamics
36. Chain, John T. Jr. Northrup Grumman, Sec. of the Air Force, Dir. of Politico-MilitaryAffairs, DoS, Chief of Staff for Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Commander in Chief Strategic Air Command
37. Chao, Elaine; HF, Sec. of Labor, Gulf Oil, US DoT, CFR
38. Chavez, Linda; PNAC, MI, CFR
39. Cheney, Lynne; AEI, Lockheed Martin
40. Cheney, Richard; JINSA, PNAC, JINSA, AEI, HU, Halliburton, Sec. of Defense, VP of US
41. Cohen Eliot A.; PNAC, AEI, DPB, DoD, CLI, CPD
42. Coleman, Lewis W.; Northrop Grumman
43. Colloredo-Manfeld, Ferdinand; Raytheon
44. Cook, Linda Z.; Boeing
45. Cooper, Dr. Robert S.; BAE Systems, Asst. Sec. of Defense
46. Cooper, Henry; CPD, DoD, Heritage, Depty Asst. Sec. Air Force, US Arms Control Disarm. Strategic Def. Initiative, Applied Research Assoc, NIPP 21
47. Cox, Christopher; CSP, Senior Associate Counsel to the President, Chairman: SEC.
48. Crandall, Robert L.; Halliburton, FAA Man. Advisor Bd.
49. Cropsey, Seth; PNAC, AEI, HF, HU, DoD, Under-Sec. Navy
50. Cross, Devon Gaffney; PNAC, DPB, HF, CPD, HO
51. Crouch, J.D.; CSP, Depty. National Security Advisor, DoD, Amb. to Romania
52. Crown, James S.; General Dynamics, Henry Crown and Co.
53. Crown, Lester; General Dynamics, Henry Crown and Co.
54. Dachs, Alan; Bechtel, CFR
55. Dahlburg, Ken; SAIC, DoC, Asst. to Reagan, WHOMB
56. Darman, Richard G.; Carlyle, Dir. of the US Office of Management and Budget, President Bush's Cabinet, Asst. to the President of the US, Deputy Sec. of the US Treasury, Asst. US Sec. of Commerce
57. Dawson, Peter; Bechtel
58. Decter, Midge; HF, HO, PNAC, CPD
59. Demmish, W.H.; SAIC
60. DeMuth, Christopher; AEI, US Office of Management and Budget, Asst. to Pres. (Nixon)
61. Derr, Kenneth T.; Halliburton
62. Deutch, John; Dir. CIA, Deputy Sec. of Defense, Raytheon
63. Dine, Thomas; CLI, US Senate (Church, Ed. Kennedy), AIPAC, US Agency Int’l Development, Free Radio Europe/Radio Liberty, Prague, Czech Rep., CFR
64. Dobriansky, Paula; PNAC, HU, AEI, CPB, DoS, Army, NSC European/Soviet Affairs, USIA, ISS
65. Donnelly, Thomas; AEI, PNAC, Lockheed Martin
66. Downing, Wayne, Ret. Gen. US Army, NSA, CLI, SAIC
67. Drummond, J.A.; SAIC
68. Duberstein, Kenneth M.; Boeing, WH Chief of Staff
69. Dudley, Bill; Bechtel
70. Eberstadt, Nicholas; AEI, CPD, PNAC, DoS (consultant)
71. Ebner, Stanley; Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman, CSP
72. Ellis, James O. Jr.; Lockheed Martin, Retired Navy Admiral and Commander US Strategic Command
73. Epstein David, PNAC, Office of Sec. Defense
74. Everhart, Thomas; Raytheon
75. Falcoff, Mark; AEI, CFR
76. Fautua, David; PNAC, Lt. Col. US Army
77. Fazio, Vic; Northrup Grumman, Congressman (CA)
78. Feith, Douglas; JINSA, DoD, L-3 Communications, Northrup Grumman, NSC, CFR, CPS
79. Feulner, Edwin J. Jr.; HF, HO, Sec. HUD, Inst. European Def. & Strategy Studies, CSIS
80. Foley, D.H.; SAIC
81. Fradkin, Hillel; PNAC, AEI,
82. Frank, Stephen E.; Northrop Grumman
83. Fricks, William P.; General Dynamics
84. Friedberg, Aaron; PNAC, CFR, NSA, DoD, CIA consultant
85. Frost, Phillip (M.D.); Northrop Grumman
86. Fukuyama, Francis; PNAC, CFR, HU
87. Gates, Robert, CIA-dir. NSA, SAIC
88. Gaffney, Frank; CPD, PNAC, Washington Times, DoD
89. Gaut, C. Christopher; Halliburton
90. Gedmin, Jeffrey; AEI, PNAC, CPD
91. Gerecht, Reuel Marc; PNAC, AEI, CIA, CBS 22
92. Gillis, S. Malcom; Halliburton, Electronic Data Systems Corp
93. Gingrich, Newt; AEI, CFR, HO, DPB, U.S House of Reps., CLI, CPD
94. Goodman, Charles H.; General Dynamics
95. Gorelick, Jamie S. United Technologies Corporation, Deputy attorney general, DoD, Asst. to the Sec. of Energy, National Com. Terrorist Threats Upon the US, DoJ, Nat’lSecurity Adv., CIA, CFR
96. Gouré, Daniel; DoD, SAIC, DoE, DoS (consultant), CSP
97. Haas, Lawrence J.; Communications WHOMB, CPD
98. Hadley, Stephen; NSA advisor to Bush, Lockheed Martin
99. Hamre, John J. ITT Industries, SAIC, U. S. Dep. Sec. of Defense, Under Sec. of Defense,
Senate Armed Services Committee
100. Hash, Tom; Bechtel
101. Haynes, Bill; Bechtel
102. Hoeber, Amoretta; CSP, Defense Industry consultant, CPD, CFR, DoD
103. Horner, Charles; HU, CSP, DoS, Staff member of Sen. Daniel Patrick Moyihan
104. Howell, W.R.; Halliburton, Dir. Deutsche Bank
105. Hunt, Ray L.; Halliburton, Electronic Data Systems Corp, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
106. Inman, Bobby Ray; Ret. Adm. US Navy, CIA-Dir, CFR, NSA, SAIC
107. Ikle, Fred; AEI, PNAC, CPD, HU, DPB, Under Sec. DoD, Def. Policy Board
108. Iorizzo, Robert P.; Northrop Grumman
109. Jackson, Bruce; PNAC, NSA, AEI, CFR, Office of Sec. of Def., US Army Military Intelligence, Lockheed Martin, Martin Marietta, CLI, CPD
110. Jennings, Sir John, Bechtel
111. Johnson, Jay L.;General Dynamics, Retired Admiral, US Navy
112. Jones, A.K.; SAIC, DoD
113. Joseph, Robert; Under Sec. of State for Arms Control and Int’l Security Affairs, DoD,
114. Joulwan, George A.; General Dynamics, Retired General, US Army
115. Kagan, Frederick PNAC, West Point Military Academy
116. Kagan, Robert; PNAC, CFR, DoS (Deputy for Policy), Washington Post, CLI, editor Weekly Standard
117. Kaminski, Paul G. General Dynamics, Under Sec. of US Department of Defense
118. Kaminsky, Phyllis ; JINSA, CSP, NSC, Int’l Pub. Rel. Society,
119. Kampelman, Max M.; PNAC, JINSA, CPD, Sec. Housing and Urban Development,
120. Keane, John M. General Dynamics, Retired General, US Army, Vice Chief of Staff of the
Army, DoD Policy Board
121. Kennard, William, Carlyle, NY Times, FCC
122. Kemble, Penn; PNAC, DoS, USIA
123. Kemp, Jack; JINSA, HF, Sec. of HUD, US House of Reps., CPD
124. Keyworth, George; CSP, HU, Los Alamos, General Atomics, NSC
125. Khalilzad, Zalmay; PNAC, Amb. to Iraq
126. King, Gwendolyn S.; Lockheed Martin
127. Kirkpatrick, Jeane; AEI, JINSA, CFR, CPD, NSA, Sec. of Defense Commission, US
Rep. to UN, CLI, CPD, Carlyle
128. Kramer, H.M.J., Jr.; SAIC
129. Kristol, Irving; CFR, AEI, DoD, Wall Street Journal Board of Contributors
130. Kristol, William; PNAC, AEI, MI, VP Chief of Staff ‘89, CLI, Domes. Policy Adv. To VP, ‘89
131. Kupperman, Charles; CPD, Boeing, NIPP 23
132. Lagon, Mark; PNAC, CFR, AEI, DoS
133. Lane, Andrew; Halliburton
134. Larson, Charles R.; Retired Admiral of the US Navy, Northrop Grumman
135. Laspa Jude; Bechtel
136. Ledeen, Michael; AEI, JINSA, DoS (consultant), DoD
137. Lehman, John; PNAC, NSA, DoD, Sec. of Navy
138. Lehrman, Lewis E.; AEI, MI, HF, G.W. Bush Oil Co. partner
139. Lesar, Dave; Halliburton
140. Libby, I. Lewis; PNAC, Chief of Staff to Dick Cheney, DoS, Northrup Grumman, RAND, DoD, House of Rep., Team B
141. Livingston, Robert; House of Rep., CSP, DoJ
142. Loy, James M., Lockheed Martin, Retired US Navy Admiral
143. Malone, C.B.; SAIC, Martin Marietta, DynCorp, Titan Corp., CLI, CPD
144. Martin, J. Landis; Halliburton
145. McCorkindale, Douglas H.; Lockheed Martin
146. McDonnell, John F.; Boeing
147. McFarlane, Robert; National Security Advisor (Reagan), CPD, Bush's Transition Advisory Committee on Trade
148. McNerney, James W.; Boeing, 3M, GE
149. Meese, Edwin; HF, HO, US Attorney General, Bechtel, CPD
150. Merrill, Philip; CSP, DoD, Import-Export Bank of US
151. Minihan, Kenneth A.; Ret. General US Air Force, BAE Systems, DoD, Defense Intelligence Agency
152. Moore, Frank W.; Northrop Grumman
153. Moore, Nick; Bechtel
154. Moorman, Thomas S.; CSP, Aerospace Corporation, Rumsfeld Space Commission, US Air Force: Former vice chief of staff
155. Mundy, Carl E. Jr.; General Dynamics, Retired General, US Marine Corps Commandant
156. Muravchik, Joshua; AEI, JINSA, PNAC, CLI, CPD
157. Murphy, Eugene F.; Lockheed Martin, GE
158. Nanula, Richard; Boeing
159. Novak, Michael; AEI, CPD
160. Nunn, Sam; GE, US Senator, Chairman Senate Armed Services Committee
161. O'Brien, Rosanne; Northrop Grumman, Carlyle
162. Odeen, Philip A.; Defense and Arms Control Staff for Henry Kissinger, TRW, Northrop
163. Ogilvie, Scott; Bechtel
164. Owens, William, Ret. Adm. US Navy, DPB, Joint Chiefs of Staff, SAIC
165. Perle, Richard; AEI, PNAC, CPD, CFR, NSA, JINSA, HU, DoD, DPD, CLI, Carlyle
166. Peters, Aulana L.; Northrop Grumman, SEC
167. Pipes, Daniel; PNAC, CPD, Team B
168. Podhoretz, Norman; PNAC, CPD, HU, CFR
169. Poses, Frederic; Raytheon
170. Precourt, Jay A.; Halliburton
171. Quayle, Dan; PNAC, VP US
172. Ralston, Joseph W.; Lockheed Martin, Retired Air Force Gen., Vice Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
173. Reed, Deborah L.; Halliburton, Pres. Southern CA. Gas & Elec
174. Ridgeway, Rozanne; Boeing, Asst. Sec. of State- Europe and Canada, Amb. German Democratic Republic, Finland, DoD
175. Riscassi, Robert; L-3 Communications Holdings, UN Command/Korea, Army vice chief 24
of staff; Joint Chiefs of Staff
176. Roche, James; Sec. of the Air Force, CSP, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, DoS
177. Rodman, Peter W.; PNAC, NSA, Asst. Sec. of Defense for Int’l Security Affairs, DoS,
178. Rowen, Henry S.; PNAC, HO, CFR, DPB, DoD
179. Rubenstein, David M.; Carlysle, Deputy Asst. to the President for Domestic Policy (Carter)
180. Rubin, Michael; AEI, CFR, Office of Sec. of Defense
181. Rudman, Warren; US Senator, Raytheon
182. Ruettgers, Michael; Raytheon
183. Rumsfeld, Donald; PNAC, HO, Sec. of Defense, Bechtel, Tribune Co.
184. Sanderson, E.J.; SAIC
185. Savage, Frank; Lockheed Martin
186. Scaife, Richard Mellon; HO, HF, CPD, Tribune Review Publishing Co.
187. Scheunemann, Randy; PNAC, Office of Sec. of Defense (consultant), Lockheed Martin,
CLI Founder /Dir., CPD
188. Schlesinger, James ; DoE, Atomic Energy Commission, Dir. CIA, CSP
189. Schmitt, Gary; PNAC, CLI, DoD (consultant), CLI
190. Schneider, William, Jr.; BAE Systems, PNAC, DoS, House of Rep./Senate staffer, WHOMB, CSP, NIPP
191. Schultz, George; HO, AEI, CPD, CFR, PNAC, Sec. of State, Sec. of Treasury, Bechtel, CLI, CPD
192. Shalikashvili, John M.; Boeing, Retired Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, DoD, Ret.
Gen. US Army, CFR
193. Sharer, Kevin; Northrup Grumman, US Naval Academy, Ret. Lt. Com. US Navy
194. Sheehan, Jack, Bechtel, DPB
195. Shelman, Thomas W.; Northrup Grumman, DoD
196. Shulsky, Abram; PNAC, DoD
197. Skates, Ronald L.; Raytheon
198. Slaughter, John Brooks; Northrop Grumman
199. Sokolski, Henry; PNAC, HF, HO, CIA, DoD
200. Solarz, Stephen; PNAC, HU, DoS, CPD, Carlyle
201. Spivey, William; Raytheon
202. Statton, Tim; Bechtel
203. Stevens, Anne; Lockheed Martin
204. Stevens, Robert J.; Lockheed Martin
205. Stuntz, Linda; Raytheon, US DoE
206. Sugar, Ronald D.; Northrup Grumman, Association of the US Army
207. Swanson, William; Raytheon, Lockheed Martin
208. Tkacik, John; PNAC, HF, US Senate
209. Turner, Michael J.; BAE Systems
210. Ukropina, James R., Lockheed Martin
211. Van Cleave, William R.; Team B, HO, CSP, CPD, DoD, NIPP
212. Waldron, Arthur; CSP, AEI, PNAC, CFR
213. Walkush, J.P.; SAIC
214. Wallop, Malcolm; Heritage, HU, CSP, PNAC, Senate
215. Walmsley, Robert; General Dynamics, Retired Vice-Admiral, Royal Navy, Chief of Defense Procurement for the UK Ministry of Defense
216. Warner, John Hillard; SAIC, US Army/Airforce Assn.
217. Watts, Barry; PNAC Northrop Grumman
218. Weber, John Vincent (Vin); PNAC, George W. Bush Campaign Advisor, NPR
219. Wedgewood, Ruth; CLI, DoD, DoJ, DoS, CFR 25
220. Weldon, Curt; House of Rep, CSP
221. Weyrich, Paul; HF, PNAC, US Senate
222. White, John P.; L-3 Communications, Chair of the Com. on Roles and Missions of the Armed Forces, DoD
223. Wieseltier, Leon; PNAC, CLI
224. Williams, Christopher A.; PNAC, DPB, Under Sec. for Defense, Boeing (lobbyist), Northrop Grumman (lobbyist), CLI
225. Winter, Donald C; Northrop Grumman
226. Wolfowitz, Paul; PNAC, HF, HU, Team B, Under-Sec. Defense, World Bank, Northrop Grumman, DoS
227. Wollen, Foster; Bectel
228. Woolsey R. James; PNAC, JINSA, CLI, DPB, CIA (Dir.), Under Sec. of Navy, NIPP
229. Wurmser, David; AEI, Office of VP Middle East Adviser, DoS
230. Yearly, Douglas C.; Lockheed Martin
231. Young, A.T.; SAIC
232. Zaccaria, Adrian; Bechtel
233. Zafirovski, Michael S.; Boeing
234. Zakheim, Dov S.; PNAC, HF, CFR, DoD, Northrup Grumman, McDonnell Douglas, CPD
235. Zinni, Anthony C.; Retired General US Marines, BAE Systems, Commander in Chief
US Central Command
236. Zoellick, Robert; PNAC, US Trade Representative, DoS, CSIS, CFR, DOJ
Bretton Woods Institutions: The IMF and The World Bank
From inception, their mission was to integrate developing nations into the Global North-dominated world economy and use debt repayment as the way to transfer wealth from poor countries to powerful bankers in rich ones.
The scheme is called debt slavery because new loans are needed to service old ones, indebtedness rises, and borrowing terms stipulate harsh one-way "structural adjustment" provisions that include:
Everywhere the scheme is the same:
The Bank of the South
Hugo Chavez's vision is to liberate the region's countries from IMF, World Bank, and Inter-American Development Bank (IBD) control that condemn millions to poverty through their lending practices.
The bank will be officially launched at a presidential November 3 summit in Caracas, where it is to be headquartered, with seven founding member-states - Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Ecuador.
Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz
Financial autonomy alone won't free the region from Washington's grip without greater change. What's needed are
From 1960 to 1980, the region's per capita income growth was 82%. From 1980 to 2000, however, it was 9%, and from 2000 to 2005 only 4%. For the region, it meant sweeping poverty, inequality and the most extreme disparity between the super-rich and desperate poor in the world.
Chavez now has an ally in Ecuador under Rafael Correa, whose early efforts are promising.
Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia, however, claim to be center-left but, in fact, embrace 1990s neoliberalism,
Brazil under Lula, closely tied to Washington and in its grip.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to The Steve Lendman News and Information Hour on TheMicroEffect.com Mondays at noon US central time.
Bretton Woods Institutions: The IMF and The World Bank
From inception, their mission was to integrate developing nations into the Global North-dominated world economy and use debt repayment as the way to transfer wealth from poor countries to powerful bankers in rich ones.
The scheme is called debt slavery because new loans are needed to service old ones, indebtedness rises, and borrowing terms stipulate harsh one-way "structural adjustment" provisions that include:
- privatizations of state enterprises;
- government deregulation;
- deep cuts in social spending;
- wage freezes or cuts;
- unrestricted free market access for foreign corporations;
- corporate-friendly tax cuts;
- crackdowns on trade unionists; and
- savage repression for non-believers under a system incompatible with social democracy.
Everywhere the scheme is the same:
- huge public wealth transfers to elitist private hands,
- exploding public debt,
- an ever-widening disparity between the super-rich and desperate poor, and
- an aggressive nationalism to justify huge spending on security for aggressive surveillance,
- mass incarceration plus repression and torture for social control.
The Bank of the South
Hugo Chavez's vision is to liberate the region's countries from IMF, World Bank, and Inter-American Development Bank (IBD) control that condemn millions to poverty through their lending practices.
The bank will be officially launched at a presidential November 3 summit in Caracas, where it is to be headquartered, with seven founding member-states - Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Ecuador.
- "created to build a new architecture that assumes an improved relationship of the bank and its capacity to offer credits for its people."
- aims to increase liquidity and revive socioeconomic development and infrastructure investments in participating countries and
- keep them outside the restrictive control of the IMF and World Bank
- "There will not be credit subjected to economic policies.
- There will not be credit that produces a calamity for our people and as a result,
- it will not be a tool of domination" like the international lending agencies.
Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz
- "One of the advantages of having a Bank of the South is that it would reflect the perspectives of those in the South (while in contrast IMF and World Bank conditions) hinder (regional) development effectiveness."
- praised his (Chavez) redistributive social policies. He also
- criticized Washington Consensus neoliberal practices that
- exploit the region's people,
- "undermin(e)....Andean cooperation, and it is
- part of the American strategy of divide and conquer,
- a strategy trying to get as much of the benefits for American companies" at the expense of the region and its people.
Financial autonomy alone won't free the region from Washington's grip without greater change. What's needed are
- sweeping nationalizations of basic industries, an
- end to one-way WTO-style trade deals,
- socially redistributing national resources,
- developing local economies,
- achieving land and housing reform, plus
- a sweeping commitment to social equity and
- a resolve to end a 25 year neoliberal nightmare.
From 1960 to 1980, the region's per capita income growth was 82%. From 1980 to 2000, however, it was 9%, and from 2000 to 2005 only 4%. For the region, it meant sweeping poverty, inequality and the most extreme disparity between the super-rich and desperate poor in the world.
Chavez now has an ally in Ecuador under Rafael Correa, whose early efforts are promising.
Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia, however, claim to be center-left but, in fact, embrace 1990s neoliberalism,
Brazil under Lula, closely tied to Washington and in its grip.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to The Steve Lendman News and Information Hour on TheMicroEffect.com Mondays at noon US central time.
...And I thought Yon jumped the shark with his baked child AQ story. The single, unsubstantiated source story. Jesus! I wonder if its too much Wild Turkey and Brown Acid?
NEXT DIVERSION: Boycotting magazines who won’t print all the news the Right deems fit.
So let me understand this:
...And I thought Yon jumped the shark with his baked child AQ story. The single, unsubstantiated source story. Jesus! I wonder if its too much Wild Turkey and Brown Acid?
NEXT DIVERSION: Boycotting magazines who won’t print all the news the Right deems fit.
So let me understand this:
- No AQ link
- No WMD's
- No WMD active programs
- Mission Accomplished!
- Sending the ENTIRE Iraqi Army home WITH weapons!
- Unguarded ammunition supplies
- A resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan.
- Abrogation of the 4th Amendment to save us from a bunch of guys with no state, no army, and no missiles ... Jesus, Mary and Joseph--my head is ready to explode! What have we become?
- A nation of pussies?
China's efforts to develop alternative overland routes to transport oil and gas imports by extending the existing Karakoram Highway linking Pakistan and China and developing port facilities at Gwadar in Pakistan's Balochistan province, as well as through Bangladesh and Myanmar, have been viewed by India as part of a "string of pearls" strategy of economic and military encroachment into South and Central Asia.
Rapprochement with the United States
Furthermore, despite India's change of approach in dealing with Myanmar, it is not apparent that India has made any significant gains. For instance, while Indian energy companies Oil & Natural Gas Company Videsh Ltd and Gas Authority of India Limited have a 30% stake in Myanmar's A1 and A3 blocks in the Shwe field in the Bay of Bengal, a proposed natural gas pipeline to India has been threatened by an agreement between Yangon and PetroChina to supply China with 6.5 trillion cubic feet (TcF) of natural gas via a pipeline from the A1 block to Kunming in China's Yunnan province.
China's efforts to develop alternative overland routes to transport oil and gas imports by extending the existing Karakoram Highway linking Pakistan and China and developing port facilities at Gwadar in Pakistan's Balochistan province, as well as through Bangladesh and Myanmar, have been viewed by India as part of a "string of pearls" strategy of economic and military encroachment into South and Central Asia.
Rapprochement with the United States
- improving relationship with US allies in East Asia, including Australia, Japan and Singapore.
- "New Framework for the US-India Defense Relationship" in 2005 and the
- "Next Steps in Strategic Partnership" in 2001 has
- March 2006 Australian Prime Minister John Howard signed a memorandum on defense cooperation with India.
- In April, Australia and Japan along with the United States held a trilateral naval exercise off the Boso Peninsula in central Japan, and the
- "Malabar-07" US-India joint naval exercises in the Indian Ocean in September included the navies of Japan, Australia and Singapore as well.
Furthermore, despite India's change of approach in dealing with Myanmar, it is not apparent that India has made any significant gains. For instance, while Indian energy companies Oil & Natural Gas Company Videsh Ltd and Gas Authority of India Limited have a 30% stake in Myanmar's A1 and A3 blocks in the Shwe field in the Bay of Bengal, a proposed natural gas pipeline to India has been threatened by an agreement between Yangon and PetroChina to supply China with 6.5 trillion cubic feet (TcF) of natural gas via a pipeline from the A1 block to Kunming in China's Yunnan province.
1997: $26.6 billion was the aggregate amount
1998: $26.7 billion,an increase of $100 million.
2005: $44 billion, included the budget for the military services.
2007: $50 billion, which includes both
U.S. intelligence spending includes the budgets of the
The latter group includes the following and they compose a major part of the $40 billion-plus national intelligence budget.
Steven Aftergood, director of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists, ... "We sued the CIA four times for this kind of information and lost. You can't get it through legal channels."
"There is no single declassification action that would signal the end to obsolete classification practices as clearly and powerfully as declassification of the total annual intelligence budget."
1997: $26.6 billion was the aggregate amount
1998: $26.7 billion,an increase of $100 million.
2005: $44 billion, included the budget for the military services.
2007: $50 billion, which includes both
- U.S. intelligence spending for the year cost more than $40 billion
- Military intel spending for the year are separate at $10 billion
U.S. intelligence spending includes the budgets of the
- CIA,
- Defense Intelligence Agency,
- FBI's intelligence programs,
- State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research
- Defense Department intelligence collection agencies.
The latter group includes the following and they compose a major part of the $40 billion-plus national intelligence budget.
- National Security Agency, which intercepts electronic communications;
- National Reconnaissance Office, which builds and manages intelligence satellites
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which does image collection.
Steven Aftergood, director of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists, ... "We sued the CIA four times for this kind of information and lost. You can't get it through legal channels."
"There is no single declassification action that would signal the end to obsolete classification practices as clearly and powerfully as declassification of the total annual intelligence budget."
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Constitutional reform referendum," scheduled to take place on December 2.
Coalition for November 3
Destabilizing plan: "ALL MEANS POSSIBLE..."
The coalition includes
Opposition student groups,
priority for the opposition is not whether to participate in the referendum or to abstain, but rather to mobilize against the reform.
Antonio Ledezma:
Hermann Escarrá:
According to the results of a poll by the Venezuelan Institute for Data Analysis (IVAD) published in El Diario de Yaracuy on October 15,
opposition has been divided over strategy
Opposition parties are divided and have not yet come on board the call for November 3.
some sectors calling for a "NO" vote, and others calling for abstention.
National Assembly Deputy Dario Vivas announced
"We are initiating our electoral campaign
Vivas said that the demonstration in support of the reform was also
Constitutional reform referendum," scheduled to take place on December 2.
Coalition for November 3
Destabilizing plan: "ALL MEANS POSSIBLE..."
- massive protest on Saturday, November 3,
- demanding that the National Electoral Council suspend the constitutional reform referendum.
- to coincide with the foundation of the Bank of the South,
The coalition includes
- Alianza Bravo Pueblo (Brave People's Alliance), Antonio Ledezma
- Acción Democrática (Democratic Action),
- Bandera Roja (Red Flag),
- Alianza Popular (Popular Alliance)Claudio Fermin,
- Comando Nacional de la Resistencia (National Resistance Commando), Hermann Escarrá
Opposition student groups,
- calling for the referendum to be postponed.
- demonstrated against the reforms on Tuesday(October 23, 2007)
- have planned another protest at the CNE tomorrow (October 27, 2007)
- planning acts to destabilize the country in the lead up to the referendum, such as possible sabotage of the metro system in Caracas.
priority for the opposition is not whether to participate in the referendum or to abstain, but rather to mobilize against the reform.
Antonio Ledezma:
- Coalition for November 3 "is to require the National Electoral Council (CNE) not to postpone, but to leave without effect the referendum for the reform."
- ...if the CNE "continues organizing the referendum it would be an incitement to the people."
Hermann Escarrá:
- called for a "rebellion" in Venezuela shortly after the constitutional reform was first proposed on August 15,
- "there is no electoral exit."
- the CNE and the electoral system in Venezuela is "fraudulent."
According to the results of a poll by the Venezuelan Institute for Data Analysis (IVAD) published in El Diario de Yaracuy on October 15,
- 50.6% of Venezuelans think the reforms are necessary, while
- 36.0% think they are not.
opposition has been divided over strategy
- some sectors calling for a "NO" vote, and
- others calling for abstention.
Opposition parties are divided and have not yet come on board the call for November 3.
- Un Nuevo Tiempo (A New Time)
- Primero Justicia (Justice First), Julio Borges
- Christian-democratic party COPEI,
some sectors calling for a "NO" vote, and others calling for abstention.
- "not convenient" to call for abstention in the constitutional reform referendum.
- argued that the construction of a "political centre" and opposition participation in the referendum was necessary "to curb the constitutional reform that President Chavez aims to implement."
National Assembly Deputy Dario Vivas announced
- campaign in support of the reforms organised by the Zamora Command, will be
- launched on Sunday November 4, with a
- massive national mobilization calling for a "YES" vote in the referendum,
- marching from Parque del Este, to Avenida Bolivar in Caracas.
"We are initiating our electoral campaign
- to diffuse [information] and
- to approve the constitutional project," and
- "to guarantee that the people determine their opinion in relation to the project,"
Vivas said that the demonstration in support of the reform was also
- "in response to the opposition sectors "that seek to impede by any means the democratic approval by the Venezuelan people of this constitution."
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
...Ecuador's leftist President Rafael Correa said the Ecuadorean military base in Miami is vital for counter-narcotics surveillance operations on east coast drug-running routes.
In spite of Ecuador's new base in Miami, Correa has refused to renew Washington's lease on the Manta air base in Ecuador, set to expire in 2009.
Correa, a popular leftist economist and President of Ecuador, had promised to cut off his arm before extending the lease on the Manta air base in Ecuador that ends in 2009 and has called U.S. President George W. Bush a "dimwit".
But Correa, an ally of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, told Reuters he believed relations with the United States were "excellent" despite the base closing.
There is a possibility that an additional auxiliary base will be placed in the vicinity of Naples, FL and will be used to monitor well known ex-CIA drug smuggling operations.
Florida's Governor expressed excitment about opportunities that will open up for real estate development and for young female entrepreneurs in the area.
...Ecuador's leftist President Rafael Correa said the Ecuadorean military base in Miami is vital for counter-narcotics surveillance operations on east coast drug-running routes.
In spite of Ecuador's new base in Miami, Correa has refused to renew Washington's lease on the Manta air base in Ecuador, set to expire in 2009.
Correa, a popular leftist economist and President of Ecuador, had promised to cut off his arm before extending the lease on the Manta air base in Ecuador that ends in 2009 and has called U.S. President George W. Bush a "dimwit".
But Correa, an ally of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, told Reuters he believed relations with the United States were "excellent" despite the base closing.
There is a possibility that an additional auxiliary base will be placed in the vicinity of Naples, FL and will be used to monitor well known ex-CIA drug smuggling operations.
Florida's Governor expressed excitment about opportunities that will open up for real estate development and for young female entrepreneurs in the area.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Chalmers Johnson reviews:
The Matador's Cape, America's Reckless Response to Terror by Stephen Holmes (Cambridge University Press, 367 pp., $30).]
Holmes conclusion on Yoo and his fellow neocons is devastating: "[I]f the misbegotten Iraq war proves anything, it is the foolhardiness of allowing an autistic clique that reads its own newspapers and watches its own cable news channel to decide, without outsider input, where to expend American blood and treasure -- that is, to decide which looming threats to stress and which to downplay or ignore" (p. 301).
Stephen Holmes is a law professor at New York University. In The Matador's Cape, he sets out to forge an understanding ... of the Iraq war, which he calls "one of the worst (and least comprehensible) blunders in the history of American foreign policy" (p. 230). His modus operandi is to survey in depth approximately a dozen influential books on post-Cold War international politics to see what light they shed on America's missteps.
Why did American military preeminence breed delusions of omnipotence,
How was the war lost, including U.S. envoy L. Paul Bremer's disbanding of the Iraqi military.
How did a tiny group of individuals, with eccentric theories and reflexes, recklessly compound the country's post-9/11 security nightmare?
What roles did Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld play in the Bush administration,
Why did the U.S. decide to search for a new enemy after the Cold War,
What role did left-wing ideology play in legitimating the war on terror,
How did pro-war liberals help stifle national debate on the wisdom of the Iraq war,
How did democratization at the point of an assault rifle become America's mission in the world,
Why is the contemporary American antiwar movement so anemic,
How did the embracing of American unilateralism elevate the Office of the Secretary of Defense over the Department of State,
Why do we battle lawlessness with lawlessness (for example, by torturing prisoners) and concentrate extra-Constitutional authority in the hands of the president,
Hidden agendas:
"Because Americans…. have sunk so much of their national treasure into a military establishment fit to deter and perhaps fight an enemy that has now disappeared,"...the very nature of the 9/11 attacks undermined crucial axioms of American national security doctrine...
Bush/Cheney reflexively implemented out-of-date formulas in a radically changed security environment" -- rogue state vs. non-state terrorist organization -- by reacting to the threat of modern terrorism with an attack on a substitute target
...(Holmes) underplays the roles of American imperialism and militarism in exploiting the 9/11 crisis to serve vested interests in the military-industrial complex, the petroleum industry, and the military establishment. Holmes leaves the false impression that the political system of the United States is capable of a successful course correction.
Chalmers Johnson's solution to the crisis we face.
A task ... comparable to that undertaken by the British government when, after World War II, ... Britain avoided the fate of the Roman Republic -- of becoming a domestic tyranny and losing its democracy,
Chalmers Johnson reviews:
The Matador's Cape, America's Reckless Response to Terror by Stephen Holmes (Cambridge University Press, 367 pp., $30).]
Holmes conclusion on Yoo and his fellow neocons is devastating: "[I]f the misbegotten Iraq war proves anything, it is the foolhardiness of allowing an autistic clique that reads its own newspapers and watches its own cable news channel to decide, without outsider input, where to expend American blood and treasure -- that is, to decide which looming threats to stress and which to downplay or ignore" (p. 301).
Stephen Holmes is a law professor at New York University. In The Matador's Cape, he sets out to forge an understanding ... of the Iraq war, which he calls "one of the worst (and least comprehensible) blunders in the history of American foreign policy" (p. 230). His modus operandi is to survey in depth approximately a dozen influential books on post-Cold War international politics to see what light they shed on America's missteps.
Why did American military preeminence breed delusions of omnipotence,
- Robert Kagan's Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order (Knopf, 2003)?
How was the war lost, including U.S. envoy L. Paul Bremer's disbanding of the Iraqi military.
- Fiasco (Penguin 2006) by the Washington Post's Thomas Ricks
- Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq by Michael Gordon and Bernard Trainor (Pantheon, 2006)?
How did a tiny group of individuals, with eccentric theories and reflexes, recklessly compound the country's post-9/11 security nightmare?
- James Mann's Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush's War Cabinet (Viking, 2004).
What roles did Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld play in the Bush administration,
- Michael Mann's Incoherent Empire (Verso, 2003)?
Why did the U.S. decide to search for a new enemy after the Cold War,
- Samuel Huntington, in The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (Simon and Schuster, 1996)
What role did left-wing ideology play in legitimating the war on terror,
- Samantha Power in "A Problem from Hell": America and the Age of Genocide (Basic, 2002)
How did pro-war liberals help stifle national debate on the wisdom of the Iraq war,
- Paul Berman in Power and the Idealists (Soft Skull Press, 2005)
How did democratization at the point of an assault rifle become America's mission in the world,
- Francis Fukuyama in America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy (Yale University Press, 2006)
Why is the contemporary American antiwar movement so anemic,
- Geoffrey Stone in Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime from the Sedition Act of 1798 to the War on Terrorism (W. W. Norton, 2004)
How did the embracing of American unilateralism elevate the Office of the Secretary of Defense over the Department of State,
- John Ikenberry in After Victory: Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Rebuilding of Order After Major Wars (Princeton University Press, 2001)
Why do we battle lawlessness with lawlessness (for example, by torturing prisoners) and concentrate extra-Constitutional authority in the hands of the president,
- John Yoo in The Powers of War and Peace: The Constitution and Foreign Affairs After 9/11 (University of Chicago Press, 2005)
Hidden agendas:
- Cheney's desire to expand executive power and weaken Congressional oversight;
- Rumsfeld's schemes to field-test his theory that in modern warfare speed is more important than mass;
- plans by some of Cheney's and Rumsfeld's advisers to improve the security situation of Israel;
- administration's desire to create a new set of permanent U.S. military bases in the Middle East to protect the U.S. oil supply in case of a collapse of the Saudi monarchy;
- the desire to invade Iraq and thereby avoid putting all the blame for 9/11 on al Qaeda -- ... Clinton was right in warning Bush and his top officials that the main security threat to the United States was a potential al Qaeda attack or attacks.
"Because Americans…. have sunk so much of their national treasure into a military establishment fit to deter and perhaps fight an enemy that has now disappeared,"...the very nature of the 9/11 attacks undermined crucial axioms of American national security doctrine...
- a non-state actor on the international stage successfully attacked the United States
- Overwhelming military might cannot deter non-state actors who accept that they will die in their attacks on others
Bush/Cheney reflexively implemented out-of-date formulas in a radically changed security environment" -- rogue state vs. non-state terrorist organization -- by reacting to the threat of modern terrorism with an attack on a substitute target
...(Holmes) underplays the roles of American imperialism and militarism in exploiting the 9/11 crisis to serve vested interests in the military-industrial complex, the petroleum industry, and the military establishment. Holmes leaves the false impression that the political system of the United States is capable of a successful course correction.
Chalmers Johnson's solution to the crisis we face.
- dismantle both the empire that has been created and
- the huge, still growing military establishment that undergirds it.
A task ... comparable to that undertaken by the British government when, after World War II, ... Britain avoided the fate of the Roman Republic -- of becoming a domestic tyranny and losing its democracy,
WASHINGTON – Religious conservatives served notice Saturday that Rudy Giuliani is not their candidate and began winnowing the field in search of a presidential hopeful they can rally around.
Rudy Giuliani asked that they look beyond his support of gay rights and abortion rights and recognize their "shared values and shared goals."
... "I truly believe that what unites us is much greater than any of the things that divides us," he told 2,400 people attending a Values Voter summit.
Results of a straw poll of "values voters" conducted Saturday by the conservative Family Research Council. Respondents were asked, "Which of the following candidates for president would you be most likely to vote for?"
Mitt Romney: 27.6 percent
Mike Huckabee: 27.2 percent
Ron Paul: 15 percent
Fred Thompson: 9.8 percent
Undecided: 5.7 percent
Sam Brownback: 5.1 percent
Duncan Hunter: 2.4 percent
Tom Tancredo: 2.3 percent
Rudy Giuliani: 1.9 percent
John McCain: 1.4 percent
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON – Religious conservatives served notice Saturday that Rudy Giuliani is not their candidate and began winnowing the field in search of a presidential hopeful they can rally around.
Rudy Giuliani asked that they look beyond his support of gay rights and abortion rights and recognize their "shared values and shared goals."
... "I truly believe that what unites us is much greater than any of the things that divides us," he told 2,400 people attending a Values Voter summit.
Results of a straw poll of "values voters" conducted Saturday by the conservative Family Research Council. Respondents were asked, "Which of the following candidates for president would you be most likely to vote for?"
Mitt Romney: 27.6 percent
Mike Huckabee: 27.2 percent
Ron Paul: 15 percent
Fred Thompson: 9.8 percent
Undecided: 5.7 percent
Sam Brownback: 5.1 percent
Duncan Hunter: 2.4 percent
Tom Tancredo: 2.3 percent
Rudy Giuliani: 1.9 percent
John McCain: 1.4 percent
The Associated Press
The news brought gasps from the Family Research Council Conference: Washington Briefing 2007: Values Voter Summit, the last stop on Rowling's brief U.S. tour, promoting...
..."Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," the seventh and final book in Rowling's record-breaking fantasy series.
The British author stunned James Dobson and Tony Perkins on Friday night when she answered one young reader's question about Dumbledore by saying that he was gay and had been in love with Grindelwald, whom he had defeated years ago in a bitter fight.
The news brought gasps from the Family Research Council Conference: Washington Briefing 2007: Values Voter Summit, the last stop on Rowling's brief U.S. tour, promoting...
..."Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," the seventh and final book in Rowling's record-breaking fantasy series.
The British author stunned James Dobson and Tony Perkins on Friday night when she answered one young reader's question about Dumbledore by saying that he was gay and had been in love with Grindelwald, whom he had defeated years ago in a bitter fight.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The first is the word parsed quote designed to leave a false impression but that is so gramatically designed that they are covered if called on it.
The second tactic of dis-information (and the most effective) is the unnsourced and unnamed “leak”. By using compliant whore journalists - all manner of lies can be floated
The third tactic is the use of the Third tier wing nutter press to distribute the really bizarre crap for the true believers
All of these stories get out- get play- and then when proved sketchy or utterly false- just disappear- with never any retraction. The result is a population that holds beliefs that are at best- only 20 percent true.
The first is the word parsed quote designed to leave a false impression but that is so gramatically designed that they are covered if called on it.
The second tactic of dis-information (and the most effective) is the unnsourced and unnamed “leak”. By using compliant whore journalists - all manner of lies can be floated
The third tactic is the use of the Third tier wing nutter press to distribute the really bizarre crap for the true believers
All of these stories get out- get play- and then when proved sketchy or utterly false- just disappear- with never any retraction. The result is a population that holds beliefs that are at best- only 20 percent true.
... just to roll back to December 11, 2000 when the Supreme Court appointed George as our unelected, un-democratic and illegal President
We need 5 senate seats and 25 house seats. That would give an independent third party make or break numbers on close votes in both chambers. And they need to be properly funded. 1 Million for house seats and 2 Million for each senate seat. (I have a plan as to how you could win with that.)This would give us hope that we could change things within two years.
I think it would happen if you asked for this. Attempt to raise 35 million dollars. Target blue dog dems and run candidates against the worst republicans.
... just to roll back to December 11, 2000 when the Supreme Court appointed George as our unelected, un-democratic and illegal President
- Repeal the Patriot Act
- Repeal No Child Left Behind
- Scale down the Department of Homeland Security and rename it so it loses its Nazi tone and is brought under civilian control.
- Restore habeas corpus and close all torture camps by repealing the Military Commissions’ Act.
- Repeal all contracts with paid mercenary killer companies.
- Restore the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.
- Repeal all BushCo-Presidential directives (especially Directive 51) and review all laws that contain signing statements.
- Restore the 4th Amendment by enforcing warrants for spying on Americans.
- Impeach Bush and Cheney-post presidency so they can’t receive federal benefits.
- Bring all troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan and review military needs for other bases around the world.
- Repeal all free trade agreements.
- Kick AIPAC and other lobbyists out of the halls of Congress where they have no business.
We need 5 senate seats and 25 house seats. That would give an independent third party make or break numbers on close votes in both chambers. And they need to be properly funded. 1 Million for house seats and 2 Million for each senate seat. (I have a plan as to how you could win with that.)This would give us hope that we could change things within two years.
I think it would happen if you asked for this. Attempt to raise 35 million dollars. Target blue dog dems and run candidates against the worst republicans.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
A great deal of scorn, for instance, was poured on the decision last November by the U.S. Congress to earmark $4 million in 2006 for the development of Russian democratic parties
The $4 million allocated by the U.S. Congress will be shared between three prominent U.S. organizations: the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and the International Republican Institute (IRI).
President Vladimir Putin recently urged the country's security services to prevent foreign governments from meddling in Russian affairs through nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
He also warned Russian organizations to be more cautious about receiving foreign funding.
His comments, which echoed similar remarks by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, illustrate the ever-increasing scrutiny imposed on the funding of democracy-building programs since the "colored" revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan.
Russian rights activists are now bracing for the implementation of a new law that will place the funding and activities of NGOs under strict state control.
A great deal of scorn, for instance, was poured on the decision last November by the U.S. Congress to earmark $4 million in 2006 for the development of Russian democratic parties
The $4 million allocated by the U.S. Congress will be shared between three prominent U.S. organizations: the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and the International Republican Institute (IRI).
President Vladimir Putin recently urged the country's security services to prevent foreign governments from meddling in Russian affairs through nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
He also warned Russian organizations to be more cautious about receiving foreign funding.
His comments, which echoed similar remarks by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, illustrate the ever-increasing scrutiny imposed on the funding of democracy-building programs since the "colored" revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan.
Russian rights activists are now bracing for the implementation of a new law that will place the funding and activities of NGOs under strict state control.
Friday, October 19, 2007
A new phase in the race: Clinton is now second
Hillary Clinton's rise in the ranking is primarily down to one Israel Factor panelist, whose new regard for the Democratic senator was triggered by her new Israel agenda and her vote to designate Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a terror organization.
A new phase in the race: Clinton is now second
Hillary Clinton's rise in the ranking is primarily down to one Israel Factor panelist, whose new regard for the Democratic senator was triggered by her new Israel agenda and her vote to designate Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a terror organization.
The US arms industry is backing Hillary Clinton for President and has all but abandoned its traditional allies in the Republican party
Employees of the top five US arms manufacturers – Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop-Grumman, General Dynamics and Raytheon – gave Democratic presidential candidates $103,900, with only $86,800 going to the Republicans.
Mrs Clinton has also emerged as Wall Street's favourite. Investment bankers have opened their wallets in unprecedented numbers for the New York senator over the past three months and, in the process, dumped their earlier favourite, Barack Obama.
The US arms industry is backing Hillary Clinton for President and has all but abandoned its traditional allies in the Republican party
Employees of the top five US arms manufacturers – Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop-Grumman, General Dynamics and Raytheon – gave Democratic presidential candidates $103,900, with only $86,800 going to the Republicans.
Mrs Clinton has also emerged as Wall Street's favourite. Investment bankers have opened their wallets in unprecedented numbers for the New York senator over the past three months and, in the process, dumped their earlier favourite, Barack Obama.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
- About 85 million barrels of petroleum a day is produced in the entire world.
- The United States consumes about 21 million barrels of petroleum every day.
- The US thus consumes about a fourth of the supply, even though it has only 5 percent of the world's population.
- The US only produces about 7.5 million barrels a day,so it has to import some 13 million.
- Two-thirds of US consumption is used for transportation
- Japan uses one half the oil of the USA for the same industrial output.
You are invited to join George Soros, Robert Helvey and Gene Sharp in using this
New easy-to-use stencil template to make monks at different sizes! (courtesy of USG website)
(...because all the cool people use stencils now - have you checked out Oaxaca?)
You can help make this image appear all over the world, reminding people everywhere of the uprising in Burma and showing that the struggle for freedom is alive everywhere.
A person like you could print one or both of these at any size, cut them out to make a stencil and use dark orange paint to put the images up. Where you paint it and what you paint it on is up to you...
Do it yourself and remember, only use dark orange paint.
Or, for you convenience, complete your accessorizing here at the CIA on-line shopping center.
...and join hands today with George Bush, Condoleeza Rice and
Do you long for the oldies like
And the
...well now you can re-live those day again with the NED sponsored Burmese "Saffron Revolution".
Be a part of a well-orchestrated exercise in Washington-run regime change, down to the details of
Be a part of doing today what the CIA did during the Cold War but in a whole new modern way and *now*, for the first time, the use of stencils - you know, like the Anarchists do.
Completely funded, no dues, no sacrifice (some salaries available).
Rub shoulders with Gene Sharp, founder of the deceptively-named Albert Einstein Institution in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a group funded by an arm of the NED to foster US-friendly regime change since 1988 in key spots around the world.
(CAVEAT EMPTOR: you don't get any shares in this enterprise, but you *do* get to paint with stencils, using dark orange paint)
(stencils not yet available)
You are invited to join George Soros, Robert Helvey and Gene Sharp in using this
New easy-to-use stencil template to make monks at different sizes! (courtesy of USG website)
(...because all the cool people use stencils now - have you checked out Oaxaca?)
You can help make this image appear all over the world, reminding people everywhere of the uprising in Burma and showing that the struggle for freedom is alive everywhere.
A person like you could print one or both of these at any size, cut them out to make a stencil and use dark orange paint to put the images up. Where you paint it and what you paint it on is up to you...
Do it yourself and remember, only use dark orange paint.
Or, for you convenience, complete your accessorizing here at the CIA on-line shopping center.
...and join hands today with George Bush, Condoleeza Rice and
- National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the
- George Soros Open Society Institute,
- Freedom House and
- Gene Sharp's Albert Einstein Institution (a US intelligence asset used to spark "non-violent" regime change around the world since 1988 on behalf of the US strategic agenda)
Do you long for the oldies like
- Serbia's Otpor with it's B92 radio station,
- Ukraine "Orange Revolution" or the
- Georgia "Rose Revolution", or
- Kyrgyzstan's KelKel Tulip Revolution or
- Belarus' Zubr or the
- Venezuela RCTV demonstrations.
And the
- Cedar Revolution in Lebanon
- The "Purple Revolution" in Iraq
- The "Blue Revolution" in Kuwait
...well now you can re-live those day again with the NED sponsored Burmese "Saffron Revolution".
Be a part of a well-orchestrated exercise in Washington-run regime change, down to the details of
- "hit-and-run" protests with "swarming" mobs of monks in saffron,
- Internet blogs,
- mobile SMS links between protest groups,
- well-organized protest cells which disperse and re-form, and
- designer coffee mugs
Be a part of doing today what the CIA did during the Cold War but in a whole new modern way and *now*, for the first time, the use of stencils - you know, like the Anarchists do.
Completely funded, no dues, no sacrifice (some salaries available).
Rub shoulders with Gene Sharp, founder of the deceptively-named Albert Einstein Institution in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a group funded by an arm of the NED to foster US-friendly regime change since 1988 in key spots around the world.
(CAVEAT EMPTOR: you don't get any shares in this enterprise, but you *do* get to paint with stencils, using dark orange paint)
- control of the strategic sea lanes from the Persian Gulf to the South China Sea and key choke point in Asia - The Strait of Malacca - where more than 80% of all China's oil imports are shipped
- Enhancing the value of the strategic US airbase on Banda Aceh, the Sultan Iskandar Muda Air Force Base, on the northernmost tip of Indonesia.
- take control of the Yadana, Yetagun and Shwe gas fields from China, where Yadana alone has an estimated gas reserve of more than 5 trillion cubic feet and Yetagun is estimated to have about a third the gas of the Yadana field.
- who has poured billions of dollars in military assistance into Myanmar
- built up Myanmar railroads and roads and won permission to station its troops in Myanmar.
- built a large electronic surveillance facility on Myanmar's Coco Islands and
- is building naval bases for access to the Indian Ocean.
- both in order to counter US control over the Strait of Malacca choke point
- China is on the verge of building an oil and gas pipeline across Myanmar from the Indian Ocean to the city of Kunming in China's Yunnan province (yellow line on map), a stretch of more than 2,300 kilometers, where
- China also plans to build an oil refinery in Kunming
- ...a pipeline which will allow the routing of oil and gas from Africa (Sudan among other sources) and the Middle East (Iran, Saudi Arabia) without depending on the vulnerable choke point of the Malacca Strait.
- Myanmar becomes China's "bridge" linking Bangladesh and countries westward to the China mainland independent of any possible future moves by Washington to control the strait.
- recruiting India to the Pentagon's "New Framework for US-India Defense Relations"
- in order to have to have a "capable partner" who can take on "more responsibility for low-end operations" in Asia
- and "ultimately provide basing and access for US power projection".
- by offering India a deal to lift its 30-year nuclear sanctions and to sell advanced US nuclear technology, legitimizing India's open violation of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
- (while at the same time accusing Iran of violating same)
- and coordinated with saffron-robed monks of Myanmar taking to the streets, the Pentagon opened US-Indian joint naval exercises, "Malabar 07", along with armed forces from Australia, Japan and Singapore.
- where the US showed the awesome muscle of its 7th Fleet, deploying the aircraft carriers USS Nimitz and USS Kitty Hawk, guided missile cruisers USS Cowpens and USS Princeton, and no less than five guided missile destroyers.
(stencils not yet available)