Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Glazev is dead nuts on, to use a Shakespearean term.

1. No limits to the Ukie warfare.
2. It is a War against Russia.
3. Time is on Kiev's side.
4. The Americans are militarizing and mobilizing all Ukraine against Russia.
5. After Donbass, Crimea is next.
6. Ukraine is an occupied territory of the America.
7. Europe is the next theatre of war. It is where America gains its biggest economic thrust and wealth-stealing.
8. China is the next big national target, using the same techniques and Japan and South Korea as levers.
9. Russia is the target now along the Ukraine border and Black Sea, also later with Europe as a wider theatre, the Baltic region, and finally, with China as the third region of war, the Far East and arctic.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

May 6-7, 2014 -- Vice is not nice and rivals the "Beast"

Vice Magazine, the on-line "news" site founded in 1994 in Montreal as the print edition "Voice of Montreal," has become a major influential media outlet. But the on-line magazine also appears to be doing the bidding of Western governments in aiming its fury at Russia, North Korea, and other countries that are receiving full barrages from the neo-conservative propaganda industry.

That Vice would be tied to neo-con propaganda efforts comes as no surprise. In 2013, News Corporation's Rupert Murdoch acquired a 5 percent stake in Vice. 

As examples of Vice's commitment to seriousness, it broadcasts a "news" show on HBO. The executive producer is a comedian, Bill Maher. The show's consultant is none other than New World Order poster boy Fareed Zakaria.

In its zeal to carry Washington's and the neocons' water, Vice is starting to edge out the Obama sycophants at The Daily Beast in trying to prove which is the better media prostitute.

 Wayne Madsen,

Jane Harman, media mogul
The War of Ideas in the Middle East
The War of Ideas in the Middle East

Jane Harman, media mogul

This Financial Times profile of Jane Harman, the former congresswoman who is CEO of the Woodrow Wilson Int’l Center, doesn’t mention Israel, but there’s a lot about her wealth: her marriage to the late inventor Sidney Harman, her jaw-dropping house in Washington, her Barcelona chair, the picture of her late husband with Bill Clinton.
This glimpse into the Jewish establishment describes Harman as the “owner” of Newsweek/The Daily Beast.
I ask about a sculpture on the coffee table, of a man on a bench. “It was an award for Sidney in honour of [financier] Bernard Baruch,” says Harman, who took over as owner of Newsweek/Daily Beast after her husband’s death.
Well this is confusing. Newsweek/Daily Beast was co-owned by Barry Diller and Harman’s late husband. Sidney Harman died in April 2011 at 92. This obit in the Times said that his estate was assuming his ownership share, but no individual was named.

The Daily Beast

February 18-19, 2014 -- The Daily Beast outed as an NSA information warfare assetThe National Security Agency, according to a February 18 article in The Intercept by Glenn Greenwald and Ryan Gallagher, used an article in The Daily Beast as a reference point for a NSA TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN Intellipedia database entry titled "Manhunting Timeline 2010." The database entry refers to the international manhunt, which included NSA assets, for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Assange came to prominence after 70,000 classified documents on the war in Afghanistan were leaked to the media.

The NSA's use of The Daily Beast as a reference within a classified database is unusual. It is, in fact, rare for NSA to use open source references to bolster classified intelligence reports for two reasons: the not invented here syndrome and the fear that mixing classified and unclassified open source information will diminish the security attached to the classified portions of such reports.

The NSA information, culled from The Daily Beast article of August 10, 2010, stated that the United States urged other nations with forces in Afghanistan to consider filing criminal charges against Assange as a way of focusing national power upon "non-state actor Assange, and the human network that supports WikiLeaks." Essentially, The Daily Beast provided the straw man arguments for the NSA to claim the legal authority to urge two of its "Second Party" or FIVE EYES allies, Britain and Australia, to prosecute Assange, with "Third Party" NSA partner, Germany, also joining in the prosecution.

The Daily Beast, along with the National Security Affairs department at the U.S. Naval War College, was at the forefront of a vicious attack campaign launched against the WMR editor after he was quoted on the front page of June 29, 2013 edition of The Observer of the UK on NSA's Third Party signals intelligence relationships in Europe. The Observer, in response to a coordinated attack by The Daily Beast, which provided three of its reporters -- John Avlon, Joshua Rogin, and Michael C, Moynihan -- to CNN's Reliable Sources program to perpetuate the attack which began on Twitter.

The Observer and The Guardian not only pulled WMR's editor's quote from their web pages but The Observer yanked its print edition from circulation.

The revelation that The Daily Beast is used within NSA's classified Intellipedia system
as a primary reference source calls into question the independence of the on-line publication and points to its possible links The Daily Beast has to the U.S. and UK Intelligence Communities. The Daily Beast was once owned by Newsweek but as a result of mergers and corporate shedding it is now owned by IAC, the firm owned by Hollywood mogul Barry Diller.

The Daily Beast was founded by publisher Tina Brown, who is married to former Sunday Times of London editor Sir Harold Evans, who is believed by many intelligence agency scholars to be a longtime cipher for Britain's MI-6 (Secret Intelligence Service). MI-6 and NSA's British partner, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), both report to the Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. During his time as editor of The Sunday Times, Evans reportedly permitted MI-6 agents to drafts of the newspapers articles before publication, particularly those that dealt with British intelligence defector to the Soviet Union Kim Philby. Evans was also known to employ known MI6 agents as Times's journalists, including one John Sackur.

As for The Observer caving to pressure from The Daily Beast, there should be no surprise. The Observer is owned by The Guardian's parent company, Guardian Media Group. The Guardian's editor, Alan Rusbridger, agreed to destroy computer hard drives containing copies of files from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

The Guardian has long toed the British Liberal Democratic Party line. At the time of the attack on WMR's editor, the Liberal Democrats were a coalition partner of the British Conservative Party government of Prime Minister David Cameron. Today, The Guardian continues to advance the Western and George Soros-influenced propaganda memes of Britain and the United States. For example, it has no problem with Venezuela's CIA- and MI6-directed opposition using the same photograph (below left) on Twitter purportedly showing Venezuelan police attacking a woman that was also published by The Guardian in December 2011 showing Egyptian police beating the very same woman (below right).

When it comes to advancing Western capitalist propaganda, The Guardian, The Observer, and The Daily Beast all serve the same masters at Fort Meade, Maryland and Cheltenham, England, the latter the location of GCHQ headquarters.

Wayne Madsen

Monday, July 28, 2014

​Ready, reset, go! Cold War 2.0
The New Great Game in Eurasia never ceases to thrill with extreme plot twists. The Big Three players remain the same: the US, Russia and China. The devil is in the concentric subplots.
In Washington, the deep state Russia ‘policy’ has revealed itself to be sanctions, sanctions, sanctions; because of Crimea, because of support for federalists in Eastern Ukraine, because of the MH17 tragedy.

MH17: Another Israeli Cover Up?
Author: Gordon Duff

MH17: Another Israeli Cover Up?

3453452The latest disaster, one that has scrubbed Israel’s bizarre onslaught into Gaza off newspaper front pages, 298 dead, can be nothing but more than yet another cover up operation. Every news asset, every politico known to be a creature of the Israeli/organized crime nexus, has weighed in. Their every lie tells one story; “Israel did it.”
The facts tell another story, one of false flag terrorism. If only McCain and Tony Abbot, if only Fox and CNN, the Huffington Post and, worst of all, accused Israeli spy, Jane Harmon’s Daily Beast:
“Why would Putin want to shoot down a commercial airliner? And if it was an accident, why would Putin allow the separatists to have a weapon this powerful without having full control over how it was used?”
You couldn’t scream “Israel did it” any louder. It is almost embarrassing. There is nothing innocent about these utterly fabricated stories, particularly when the truth, a very different truth, is out there as well, substantiated, validated and verified.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Saturday, July 26, 2014

new order of the barbarians
The New Order of Barbarians is the transcript of three tapes of reminiscences made by  Dr Lawrence Dunegan, of a speech given on March 20, 1969 by Dr Richard Day (1905-89), an insider of the "Order," recorded by Randy Engel in 1988. Dr Dunegan claims he attended a medical meeting on March 20, 1969 where Dr Richard Day (who died in 1989 but at the time was Professor of Paediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York and was previously the Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America) give "off the record" remarks during an addressed at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society to a meeting of students and health professionals, who were destined to be leaders in medicine and health care.

Israel Grants First Golan Heights Oil Drilling License To Dick Cheney-Linked Company
Israel has granted a U.S. company the first license to explore for oil and gas in the occupied Golan Heights, John Reed of the Financial Times reports.
A local subsidiary of the New York-listed company Genie Energy — which is advised by former vice president Dick Cheney and whose shareholders include Jacob Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch — will now have exclusive rights to a 153-square mile radius in the southern part of the Golan Heights.

Ukrainian army helps installing shale gas production equipment near Slavyansk
The people of Slavyansk, which is located in the heart of the Yzovka shale gas field, staged numerous protest actions in the past against its development

Friday, July 25, 2014

ISIS Post PR Photos They Took With John McCain
Remember when Senator John McCain went to Syria and met with factions of rebels fighting the Assad regime?
As it turns out, the group that he was meeting with was a particular subset of rebels in Syria, who we now know as ISIS.

ISIS Terrorists Post a Selfie with John McCain
McCain posed for pictures with these rebels, smiling as the camera snapped. Now, ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria formerly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq, is using those pictures as a campaign ad.


Obama Asks For $500 Million To Fund ISIS In Syria
There’s what the American people are told, then there’s the truth.
The truth is America funds terror groups in order to topple regimes to put in more favorable presidencies.
Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn’t.
The American government funded Al-Qaeda in Libya to overthrow Gaddafi.
The American government funded Ukranian rebel groups to take over the sale of natural gas to europe. (Thanks Victoria Nuland)
Hillary Clinton fought to keep Boko Haram off the terror list because we fund them AND Al-Shabab.
This is what the whole Iran Contra thing was about.

Ukraine's Secret Weapon: Feisty Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky

New Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Takes on Pro-Russia Separatists, but Critics Worry About Growing Power of Oligarchs 



June 27, 2014 12:31 p.m. ET
Ihor Kolomoisky, a billionaire banking tycoon recently appointed governor of Dnipropetrovsk region in eastern Ukraine, has vowed to defend the country. Reuters
DNIPROPETROVSK, Ukraine—Leaning over a map of eastern Ukraine on his desk, Gennady Korban gripped a ballpoint pen and drew a squiggling blue line down its center.
The border, he said, marked the battlefront in his country's war with pro-Russia separatists. One side was stable, rid of "troublemakers," he said. On the other are "maniacs," he said. "Men without families, who don't want families, they just like war." If they cross over the line, he said, "we'll just have to kill them."

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Nasrallah: Hezbollah will stand by resistance in Gaza

 This is how you know that ISIS (and all other Takfiri, Wahhabi, Salafist groups including the defunct al Qaeda) is a Mossad/CIA construct. Oh yea, and No Rolex watches.

 he Daily Star
BEIRUT: Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah vowed that his party would stand by the resistance in Gaza during a telephone conversation with Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders.
Nasrallah voiced his party’s readiness to cooperate with both Palestinian resistance parties which have been confronting Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip for the past 14 days. The Israeli offensive has killed nearly 500 Palestinians, the vast majority of them civilians.

Hezbollah slams US-Israel takfiri plot in region
BEIRUT: Hezbollah’s deputy leader Sheikh Naim Qassem vowed to continue fighting against a takfiri terrorism scheme that he said was orchestrated by the U.S. and Israel.
“We, as Hezbollah, have only one direction: the resistance on the basis of Islam and jihad for the sake of God,” Qassem said in remarks published Monday. “We have set the compass and the needle points toward Israel. ... We are fighting one scheme, which is the American-Israeli takfiri scheme."
Lebanon “is in the line of fire and is affected by what goes on around it,” Qassem warned. “Those who talk about distancing and neutralizing Lebanon ... are speaking [words] of emptiness.”
“We, as Hezbollah, have said from day one that what began in Syria under the title ‘reforms’ was an Arab-Western takfiri scheme to destroy Syria in favor of Israel's interest,” he said.

Iraq Crisis: ISIS Terrorists were Trained by US in 2012 for Syria Conflict
As the American government is contemplating on whether or not to launch an airstrike on ISIS that is threatening to destroy Iraq, reports have now surfaced that way back in 2012, the US Army had trained members of the same terrorist group in Jordan....

MH17: Killing Innocent Civilians in Order to Save Fascism for Ukraine and NATO Expansionism
A fuller version of what happened starts emerging piece by piece. First, as I pointed out earlier, in one his daily battle reports, Strelkov or his associates indicated as if in passing that the Malaysian airliner, Boeing 777, was shot down by Ukrainian jet fighters. Then came the briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defense, which showed a Ukrainian SU-25 within 3-5 km from the Boeing at the very moment when the Boeing was hit. In the next four minutes, the Ukrainian fighter remained in the area. At the moment, when the Boeing was hit, it was also within the range of several Ukrainian Buk batteries, which were deployed close to Donetsk and then, just for that very day, 8km south of Shakhterskoye, which is also only several miles from the crash site.

Was MH17 Sabotaged By Israeli Security Team At Amsterdam Schiphol Airport?
Post Categories: Canada
Yoichi Shimatsu | Monday, July 21, 2014, 19:24 Beijing
As the only non-European journalist to cover The Hague inquiry into the Amsterdam crash of El Al flight 1862 (October 1992), which destroyed a Biljmeer district apartment complex, I discovered many aspects of the Israeli security set-up at Schipol International Airport and the role of the Mossad intelligence agency in secret operations there, one of Europe’s business transport hubs.
This same airport spy Network is very likely involved in the recent crash of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 over the Ukraine. 

I examined it, found it ridiculous. And I've been through Schiphol a time or two myself. Points to consider fully, then ridicule - 1) Shimatsu admits he is baised in favor of Kiev govt. How can you take seriously anyone who for any reason supports those nazis? 2) He proposes the Kiev govt conduct the investigation into MH17. Don't make me laugh! 3) His list of Israeli motives don't even make sense. 4) His only stated qualification for commenting on MH17 is his being "The only non-European journalist" to cover a different plane crash 22 years ago. That speaks for itself. 5) This pedestrian attempt at misdirection ignores all the REAL evidence that has come to light and instead promotes utterly unsubstantiated speculation that also leave open the "anti-semetic" rebuttal. 6) "The only way for ground troops to identify a plane is by coded radar response from its transponder signal." Or a decent pair of binoculars. 7) Israel's "drone army of mini-robots" WTF? 8) Nuff sed.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Putin Adviser Urges Dumping US Bonds In Reaction to Sanctions
MOSCOW, March 4 (RIA Novosti) – An adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that authorities would issue general advice to dump US government bonds in the event of Russian companies and individuals being targeted by sanctions over events in Ukraine  

Sergei Glazyev said the United States would be the first to suffer in the event of any sanctions regime.

Full Sanction Program:

 Exchange controls and capital controls.  No more hot money.  You have to get gov permission to send money in or out
You have to protect the ruble against Anglo American attack using above all credit default swaps.  Probably ought to ban CDS immediately

State monopoly on international trade

The threat on defaulting on all money owed to New York and London Banks

Dumping the entire portfolio of US Treasury Securities

The central bank.  Elvira Nabiullina replaced.  Abandon current position of being a satellite of the US Federal Reserve.  Only creates new rubles when they have dollars in the vault.  You have to start issuing your own ruble denominated loans at very low interest rates as close to zero as you can get and that has to be lent for infrastructure, foreign trade financing, mfg, ag, mining, forestry, scientific research,

How Russia Can Respond to the West's Economic War

1. Exchange controls and capital controls.  No more hot money.  Gov permission to send money in or out of country.  Protect the ruble against Anglo American attack who will use credit default swaps.  Ban CDS immediately

2. State monopoly on international trade

3. Default on all money owed to New York and London Banks

4. Dump the entire portfolio of US Treasury Securities

5. The central bank: replace Elvira Nabiullina as head.  Abandon being a satellite of the US Federal Reserve.  Start issuing ruble denominated loans at very low interest rates - zero century - to be lent for infrastructure, foreign trade financing, mfg, ag, mining, forestry, scientific research

6. Put Sergei Glazyev in charge.

 1.  Increase its domestic investments
2.  Increase its investment in China , S.America and the Silk Road
3.  More military aid to Syria, Iraq, Iran
4.  Eliminate Saudis/US Terrorism
5.  Create a new oil syndicate: Russia, Brasil, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, China

Putin's Move

1. Put Sergei Glazyev in charge of the following

2. Exchange controls and capital controls.  Govt permission to send money in or out of country.  Protect the ruble against Anglo American attack.  Ban credit default swaps

3. State monopoly on international trade

4. Default on all money owed to New York and London Banks

5. Dump the portfolio of US Treasury Securities

6. The Russian Central Bank: replace Elvira Nabiullina as head.  Abandon being a satellite of the US FED.  Start issuing low interest ruble denominated loans to be lent for infrastructure, foreign trade financing, mfg, ag, mining, forestry, scientific research

Israel mows the lawn

Israel mows the lawn

Mouin Rabbani

In 2004, a year before Israel’s unilateral disengagement from the Gaza Strip, Dov Weissglass, éminence grise to Sharon, explained the initiative’s purpose to an interviewer from Haaretz:

The Neoliberal Narcissism of Elite Democrats: Three Presidents and a Columnist

Presidents and a Columnist

There’s nothing like the hypocritical narcissism of the elite neoliberal Democrat. It’s something to see. First he elegantly embraces and advance “free market” doctrine that distributes wealth and power upward while spreading misery amongst the populace and destroying the Earth. Then he wants to be accorded progressive and humanitarian points when you preen with concern over the predictable terrible social and/or environmental toll that neoliberal policy takes. In classic narcissistic fashion, the elite Democratic neoliberal dissociates from the pain he inflicts, wrapping himself in Teflon as he feigns disapproval with the outcomes of the agenda he helped take forward. It’s always those evil crazy Republicans’ fault, of course.
Thomas Friedman on the Threat of Plutocracy

Juan Cole prints a map and the blogosphere erupts

Juan Cole is Director of the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies at the University of Michigan. He maintains a blog on US foreign policy and progressive politics, Informed Comment. His newest book is, The New Arabs: How the Millennial Generation Is Changing the Middle East (Simon and Schuster), 
… As part of my original posting, I mirrored a map of modern Palestinian history that has the virtue of showing graphically what has happened to the Palestinians politically and territorially in the past century.
Andrew Sullivan then mirrored the map from my site, which set off a lot of thunder and noise among anti-Palestinian writers like Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic, but shed very little light. (PS, the map as a hard copy mapcard is available from Sabeel.)

Israel Caught Housing ‘Identical Twin of Flight 370′ In Tel Aviv! Will US/Israel Pull Off Another 9-11?
A youtube channel is doing a lot of research into the missing Malaysian flight, and claims he has come across some interesting facts. I want to put them all out there for you to be the judge.
The youtube channel is DAHBOO77
His videos get many views, and he updates stories quickly. You can check his page for more.

George Soros and GA Telesis Connection to Flight 370!

ISIS Post PR Photos They Took With John McCain

Remember when Senator John McCain went to Syria and met with factions of rebels fighting the Assad regime?
As it turns out, the group that he was meeting with was a particular subset of rebels in Syria, who we now know as ISIS.
That’s right, the very same terrorist group ISIS which is carrying out ruthless acts of terror and crime in Iraq as we speak, was who McCain was meeting with in Syria.
When the Arizona senator got back from his trip to Syria, he said…
“It was a very moving experience to meet these fighters who have been struggling now for over two years,” McCain said on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360”.
“And they’re very aware of the battlefield situation” the Arizona senator continued, “and they’re very disturbed about the dramatic influx of Hezbollah fighters, more Iranians, and of course, stepped-up activities of Bashar Assad.”


THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF TREES ~ "Nature is not mute, it is a man who is deaf." - Terence Mckenna

Social Security - It’s Complicated!

Social Security - It’s Complicated!

In my experience, a sound retirement plan consists of three essential pieces: an advanced tax plan (ATP), an income plan, and an investment plan. While the investment plan should be the nucleus, proper income and tax plans are critical and are often overlooked.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Israeli Massacres on Palestinians

List of Irgun attacks 1937-1948

Date Casualties References
1937, March 2 Arabs killed on Bat-Yam beach. [12]
1937, Nov 14 10 Arabs killed by Irgun units launching attacks around Jerusalem, (“Black Sunday”) [13][14]

Noam Chomsky: The Kind of Anarchism I Believe in, and What's Wrong with Libertarians
oam Chomsky:Well, anarchism is, in my view, basically a kind of tendency in human thought which shows up in different forms in different circumstances, and has some leading characteristics.  Primarily it is a tendency that is suspicious and skeptical of domination, authority, and hierarchy.  It seeks structures of hierarchy and domination in human life over the whole range, extending from, say, patriarchal families to, say, imperial systems, and it asks whether those systems are justified.  It assumes that the burden of proof for anyone in a position of power and authority lies on them.  Their authority is not self-justifying.  They have to give a reason for it, a justification.  And if they can’t justify that authority and power and control, which is the usual case, then the authority ought to be dismantled and replaced by something more free and just.  And, as I understand it, anarchy is just that tendency.  It takes different forms at different times.
Anarcho-syndicalism is a particular variety of anarchism which was concerned primarily, though not solely, but primarily with control over work, over the work place, over production.  It took for granted that working people ought to control their own work, its conditions, [that] they ought to control the enterprises in which they work, along with communities, so they should be associated with one another in free associations, and … democracy of that kind should be the foundational elements of a more general free society.  And then, you know, ideas are worked out about how exactly that should manifest itself, but I think that is the core of anarcho-syndicalist thinking.  I mean it’s not at all the general image that you described — people running around the streets, you know, breaking store windows — but [anarcho-syndicalism] is a conception of a very organized society, but organized from below by direct participation at every level, with as little control and domination as is feasible, maybe none.

Israel Exultant Over Modi Victory
Mon May 19, 2014
NEW DELHI: Israel stood out amidst the congratulations pouring in for Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi from world leaders (Read: The World Welcomes Modi, World Page) across the globe with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu being amongst the first to wish the BJP leader on his electoral success. Modi has reportedly assured Israel that he will be the first Indian premier to visit Jerusalem, according to the Israeli media.

Narendra Modi and the rise of India’s neo-fascist Far-Right: The facts
Narendra Modi is campaigning as a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (“BJP”). Due to ongoing geopolitical events elsewhere, the implications of Modi’s impending rise to power have received comparatively little media publicity outside South Asia, especially in the West. This is despite the fact that nuclear-armed, 1.2 billion-population India is currently undergoing a political and cultural takeover by that country’s version of the Far-Right, if the claims of Modi’s opponents and critics are accurate.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Israel’s incremental genocide in the Gaza ghetto

Israel’s incremental genocide in the Gaza ghetto

13 July 2014


A mother hugs her adolescent son in a bombed-out living room
In Gaza, the implementation of the Zionist vision takes its most inhuman form.
(Ezz Zanoun / APA images)
In a September 2006 article for The Electronic Intifada, I defined the Israeli policy towards the Gaza Strip as an incremental genocide.
Israel’s present assault on Gaza alas indicates that this policy continues unabated. The term is important since it appropriately locates Israel’s barbaric action — then and now — within a wider historical context.

On Point with Charlie McGrath- RAND Corp Leaked Memo Spells Out Ukraine Blitzkrieg

Charlie McGrath Presents Gary Hendershot
Charlie presents an over view of leaked RAND Corp memo and then discuses history of RAND with activist Gary Hendershot.
A recent leaked memo from the RAND Corporation spells doom for the people of eastern Ukraine. The grotesque disregard for human life in this memo is staggering. Charlie and Gary break down the memo including likely authenticity.

Understand the Israeli – Palestinian Apartheid In 11 Images

WWIII - Israeli Lobbyist Advocates False Flag Attack To Start A War With Iran

All the graphics are from the site Visualizing Palestine, a site dedicated to creating informative and impactful graphics about the occupied region. Check out many more of these images on their site
1. The Forced Exile of The Palestinian People

Friday, July 11, 2014

Old Rothschild- and Rockefeller hands controlled the Libertarian-Communist dialectic

Old Rothschild- and Rockefeller hands controlled the Libertarian-Communist dialectic

by on March 11, 2012
Baruch (left, Bernard Baruch, the Zionist millionaire who sponsored both the Bolshevik Revolution and the Libertarian movement in the United States)
Closing the circle, in this article Memehunter connects the founding fathers of the Libertarian party directly to the top of the Money Power chain of command. It was Alfred Kohlberg, fronting for his boss Bernard Baruch, who played a key role in both the cover up of Jewish involvement in Bolshevism and building up the other side of the dialectic: Libertarianism.
By Memehunter
For Henry Makow and Real Currencies
In How the Illuminati $pawn Libertarians, Anthony Migchels explained how a myriad Libertarian organizations were funded by the Illuminati Money Power. Today, we follow up on this article by explaining a key incentive behind this funding: To cover up the Illuminati Money Power’s connection with Communism.

How the Money Power created Libertarianism and Austrian Economics

How the Money Power created Libertarianism and Austrian Economics

by on February 17, 2012
Volker “You say that Marxism is the very antithesis of capitalism, which is equally sacred to us [The Money Power] It is precisely for this reason that they are direct opposites to one another, that they put into our hands the two poles of this planet and allow us to be its axis. These two contraries, like Bolshevism and ourselves, find their identity in the International.”
Otto Kahn, Investment Banker

William S. Volker (1859-1947) was a wealthy German-Jewish businessman. Dismayed by the rise of Socialism in America, he created the Volker fund to provide a reactionary ideology based on “laissez-faire” and Social Darwinism. This was to become Libertarianism.
This article was written for Henry Makow
Libertarianism and its twin sister Austrian Economics were invented by the Money Power to be the other side of the dialectic with Communism.

Kicking Away the Ladder: The “Real” History of Free Trade

Kicking Away the Ladder: The “Real” History of Free Trade

Webster Tarpley on the American System

by Scott Creighton
Tarpley aptly explains to Alex Jones how Ron Paul’s Austrian libertarianism is nothing more than a repackaging of the neo-liberal Milton Friedman Chicago School of Economics neo-fuadalism. This is what I have been saying for years. Glad to hear Tarpley getting airtime explaining this to Jones. AJ starts off by trying to re-write history pretending that he wasn’t still pushing Ron Paul for president over the last few months when it was clear he couldn’t win. The reason he does that is because he knows and has said that the “Good Doctor” was simply locking his base into a box that was going nowhere so they wouldn’t have an effect on the election. I guess AJ doesn’t want his dwindling viewership to understand he was doing the exact same thing and that RP wouldn’t have been so successful at it if people like AJ and Kokesh weren’t working with him.
It’s a good interview at least at the beginning when Tarpley explains the history of what is called the American System of economics. An outstanding system which created the first majority middle class in human history and made the United States the envy of the rest of the industrialized world. But it also created a pure hatred in the hearts and minds of the oligarchs who knew there were massive profits to be made if only they could convince the people that the extremely efficient and effective system they had was wrong for them and accept a neo-feudal system in it’s place.
It’s hard to watch Jones these days because he is such a ridiculous tool. But, watch it for Tarpley’s explanation of the American System. It’s not “socialism” or “communism”… its ours and it works. Look around you. You have the beginnings of the libertarian/neo-liberal system developing right now. Like it? Look like fascism? There’s a reason for that. Because it IS fascism.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

True History of America -Part 1 (1666-1840): The Curse against the Patriots
The United Company of Merchants and the United States

It seems incredible that the involvement of the largest and most powerful multi-national corporation of the world in the 18th Century and its involvement in America and throughout the War for Independence could be so whitewashed from the history books of every single American and student of the world.

Just in case anyone reading or listening has an instant doubt about the complete involvement of the United Company of Merchants in the history of America and the United States, let’s talk about tea for a moment – you know the famous stories about the unjust tea trade and tea duties? Well guess what, it was the United Company of Merchants who were behind the control of the tea trade amongst other things such as the acts of parliament of 1771 (11Geo3.c.7) and 1773 (13Geo3.c.44) and (13Geo3.c.67).

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

EU's united front on Russia falling amid gas needs
VIENNA (AP) — A clutch of countries is breaking ranks with the EU's efforts to put economic and diplomatic pressure on Russia over Ukraine and building a pipeline meant to carry huge amounts of Russian gas to their doorstep.

Saturday, July 05, 2014

World Bank and UN carbon offset scheme 'complicit' in genocidal land grabs - NGOs
Plight of Kenya's indigenous Sengwer shows carbon offsets are empowering corporate recolonisation of the South

A Kenyan farmer tends newly planted trees UN's REDD scheme promises carbon offsetting will empower local communities in the developing world while conserving forests - but critics say the scheme is fuelling genocidal evictions of indigenous people from their lands. Photograph: Tony

Walter Bowart
Walter bowart.jpg
photo by Sophia Bowart, 2003
Born Walter Howard Kirby
May 14, 1939
Omaha, Nebraska
Died December 18, 2007 (aged 68)
Inchelium, Washington
Occupation Author, Publisher, Editor
Genres Non fiction
Literary movement 1960s counterculture
New Age
Notable work(s) Operation Mind Control
Walter Howard Bowart (May 14, 1939 – December 18, 2007)[1] was an American leader in the counterculture movement of the 1960s,[2] founder and editor of the first

Friday, July 04, 2014

A Radical Way To Grow Spiritually In A Relationship


A Radical Way To Grow Spiritually In A Relationship

By Lissa Rankin MD
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
As you walk a spiritual path, do you ever struggle in relationships with those who are not in the same place in their personal/spiritual evolution as you might be? In his online program Integral Enlightenment, spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton breaks relationships into three categories:
1) Those who have no interest in your personal/spiritual evolution or their own
2) Those who are curious and interested in personal/spiritual evolution, but who aren’t as committed as you to the spiritual path
3) Those who are totally committed to doing their own work and growing with you in an active partnership (what he calls “evolutionary relationships”)

Evolutionary Relationships

So what is an “evolutionary relationship?” Craig teaches that an evolutionary relationship need not be about romance or sex at all. In fact, that dimension can often complicate things. He says many of us have sense that there’s a potential for an extraordinary type of human relationship, marked by an unprecedented level of intimacy, vulnerability, authenticity, and transparency, essentially being with each other without any boundaries or barriers, being together truly beyond ego. Many have sensed the potential to be in a relationship that’s always moving, not getting stuck in old patterns, but always vital, dynamic, and thriving, resisting the urge to rest on familiar, known ground.
You may have tasted this kind of dynamic in a relationship, but it’s challenging to stay on this edge, to keep moving forward without sliding into destructive patterns, which might leave you thinking this kind of relationship isn’t possible. Very few relationships will ever evolve to the third level. How will you know the people willing to go there with you? And what would a relationship like this be like?
Craig teaches us how to be proactive about cultivating such relationships. To do this requires essentially establishing a sacred contract, setting up what he calls “an evolutionary partnership”, which can be governed by the following radical principles.

Principles of an Evolutionary Partnership

1. The very context and organizing principle of the relationship is conscious evolution beyond ego.
This is the very purpose of why we’re in the relationship. Instead of organizing around comfort, survival, mutual benefit, comfort, and connection, in this kind of relationship, we explicitly commit to coming together for a higher purpose. That’s the “why” of the whole thing. We have a shared agreement for why we’re here. Instead of colluding together to protect and preserve the status quo of the relationship, we’re willing to put the relationship at risk, to constantly challenge the relationship, as a way to evolve spiritually together, as a way to avoid falling into stuck, habitual patterns that lead the relationship to go to sleep.
2. We agree to be mutually accountable to something higher than ourselves.
In most conventional relationships, we’re attempting to negotiate between two people’s individual needs and desires. The personal self is the only context we have, so the relationship is the result of two isolated personal selves with their own unique agendas attempting to negotiate so they can be in relationship together without too much conflict. Typically, we ask, “What do YOU want to do? What do I want to do? What are we both willing to give up so we can meet in the middle?” But in an evolutionary relationship, our #1 priority is aligning with Divine will, rather than focusing exclusively on our own personal desires or the desires of the person we’re in partnership with. When a conflict comes up, we’re interested not just in both personal points of view, but in what’s the right thing to do from the highest perspective, in service to the highest good of all beings. It’s about not caring so much what you get out of the relationship or what the other person gets out of it. It’s more about a mutual seeking of truth, of what’s right and whole and aligned. We ask, instead, “What’s the right thing to do to the best that we can discern it?” This way, there is no fundamental conflict. You both want the same thing- the highest good- rather than focusing on personal desires. You’ll always find your way through when you’re genuinely prioritizing this outcome. There is no “winner” or “loser” because the highest good always wins- and you both want that.
3. We recognize that we have an ego, that we’re prone to error.
Because we acknowledge that we both have egos, we know that we are prone to misinterpretation of circumstances. I defined ego here, according to Craig’s definition, so don’t be mislead by a term that often gets misused. Read what I wrote about ego here. When we both acknowledge our own egos and our potential for error, we come together with the commitment to try to see clearly, beyond the ego. This means we’re willing to call each other on unhealthy patterns and try to break those patterns. It’s an exercise in mutual humility, acknowledging that we aren’t going to do it right, that our egos are going to screw us up, but that we’re mutually committed to trying to uncover what is true, in spite of being prone to error. This way, there’s no compulsion to defend your point of view. You’re both committed to seeing what is true. It’s a radical act, to be willing to stop defending your motives whenever you are challenged. Because we both have egos, we must recognize that we’re prone to distortions and be willing to acknowledge that with humility.
4. Despite the fact that we have egos and are prone to error, we want to be accountable to our potentials, to our highest and best selves.
This means that even though both parties know we are prone to errors in judgment and distortion, we’re not using that as an excuse at all. We are acknowledging that we always have a choice in the matter. Our egoic limitations are not an excuse for not showing up fully. We acknowledge that we have a right to expect this from each other, even though we have egos and tendencies for error. This only works with two people who are really committed to showing up in this way, wanting to be accountable and be held accountable. It’s not about always getting it right. We’re going to screw up. It’s not about beating each other up for our tendency to be prone to error. It’s about committing to operating at a risk-taking edge, which requires a lot of trust and commitment to mutual accountability.
5. The context for our engagement together is about leaning into our evolutionary edges, where we’re growing and evolving, sharing a mutual interest in our evolving edges.
Rather than meeting in our limitations, fears, and doubts, colluding in how we’re failing to show up to our highest potential, complaining about what doesn’t work, we take a stand for meeting in service to our highest potentials. Some relationships are based on sharing every that’s wrong or not working or where we’re struggling or fearful. This fifth principle is about making that off limits, not that there’s no place to talk about your limitations, but that the relationship is meant to lift up what’s possible, rather than to devolve into a shared bitchfest that drags both parties down. The context for the engagement, therefore, is from a place of desiring to manifest our highest potential, taking a stand for one another’s higher potential, reaching for what’s possible, sharing what comes up as we awaken. It’s a positive, uplifting context for engagement, but a challenging one, because it’s a stretch and requires moving out of habitual patterns that tend to plague a lot of spiritually-minded or psychologically-minded relationships.
6. We agree to be mirrors for one another.
Rather than merely affirming each other’s self image, as most relationships operate, we agree to reflect to the other person things about who they are that might be outside of their awareness. We tend to see others more clearly than we see ourselves. As evolutionary partners, we agree to lovingly and gently, without judgment, point out blind spots in each other to help illuminate what we might not be seeing clearly in ourselves. This includes mirroring back not only negative traits- things that need to evolve- but also positive things that we may not see within ourselves. This includes mirroring back how we’re growing and where we’re making progress. We can not only help undo negative patterns; we can also mirror back the uplifting things we may not see in ourselves. This means being willing to challenge each other’s assumptions, really striving to help each other see ourselves more clearly.
7. We aspire to set an example for one another.
We are not perfect. We are not going to always get it right. But we are aspiring to model what it means to have an evolutionary and enlightened relationship to life, stretching vulnerably into the unknown. We aspire to uplift each other through our own examples. This means radical transparency. In many close relationships, you devolve when you get comfortable. You let that person see your worst self. But in these relationships we aspire to be our best selves, not our worst self with each other.