Pivot Points are a way of changing the subject from a losing argument to a winning argument by using pre-defined transitional statements. Also known as "Flips" or "Political Judo" or "Stealing the ball." To deliver a good "Pivot Point" (as in Judo) you have to be assertive and you have to know where you want to land. Meaning, you have to know the core issues you want to land on and how you will transition to them. Once you deliver the pivot, you have to keep driving the discussion to the other major parts of your campaign message like jobs, economy and the environment.
Examples of hot button issues and Pivot Points:
Gun Control and Crime"Our goal is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and children. We all know the best way to reduce violent crime is to reduce poverty and improve education and that's why those are [Candidate's Name] top priorities and that's why he needs your vote this November. Can [Candidate's Name] count on your support?"
Just for fun, if you get into it with a right wingnut, tell ‘em it's against your religion to own a gun. When they ask you what religion you are, tell ‘em: "I'm a Christian" and watch the look on their face. Refer them to New Testament, book of Matthew, chapters V-VII.
Gay Marriage "You know, Jesus was so concerned with homosexuality, he never mentioned it. Jesus spent his time feeding the poor, healing the sick and teaching people about peace, and love and understanding. [Candidate's Name] is fighting to reduce poverty, improve healthcare and improve education. Those are [Candidate's Name] top priorities and that's why he needs your vote this November. Can [Candidate's Name] count on your support?"
Abortion"Our goal is to reduce unwanted pregnancies. We all know the best way to do this is to reduce poverty, improve healthcare and improve education. Those are [Candidate's Name] top priorities and that's why he needs your vote this November. Can [Candidate's Name] count on your support?" - and/or -
"In the days of Jesus, people were being crucified. But Jesus didn't spend his time fighting crucifixion. He fed the poor, healed the sick and taught people about peace, and love and understanding. [Candidate's Name] is fighting to reduce poverty, improve healthcare and improve education. Those are [Candidate's Name] top priorities and that's why he needs your vote this November. Can [Candidate's Name] count on your support?"
Taxes, Jobs, Economy, Welfare and Affirmative Action"Our goal is to attract (or create) good jobs by investing in excellent schools, good roads and mass transit. Everyone should pay their fare share including corporations. Tax fairness is one of [Candidate's Name] top priorities and that's why he needs your vote this November. Can [Candidate's Name] count on your support?"
School Prayer, Bible, Creationism "Jesus was a great teacher who taught by example. He spent his time feeding the poor, healing the sick and teaching people about peace, and love and understanding. [Candidate's Name] is fighting to reduce poverty, improve healthcare and improve education. Those are [Candidate's Name] top priorities and that's why he needs your vote this November. Can [Candidate's Name] count on your support?" - and/or -
"Anyone can pray anywhere they want. But we can't have a state religion that excludes all other religions and still have religious freedom. Jesus fed the poor, healed the sick and taught people about peace, and love and understanding. [Candidate's Name] is fighting to reduce poverty, improve healthcare and improve education. Those are [Candidate's Name] top priorities and that's why he needs your vote this November. Can [Candidate's Name] count on your support?"
Damn Liberals"What is your definition of liberal? [Wait for their response]... Well, liberals are open minded, tolerant and favor progressive reform. [Candidate's Name] is fighting to reform healthcare, reform schools and reform government spending and that's why he needs your vote this November. Can [Candidate's Name] count on your support?"
If you have other good pivot point examples please send them to: rootcamp@gmail.com
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