Monday, November 19, 2007



So you thought the US government had to overthrow the Venezuelan government because the constitution referendum for December 2nd is:

  • going to nationalize the central bank which will lead to the dumping of huge reserves in devalued dollar denominated funds ,
  • going to end the monopolies on food distribution currently held by the oligarchy which is used by them for political ends,
  • going to allocate state revenues directly to neighborhood councils rather than the corrupt, patronage-infested municipal and state governments,
  • going to allow the executive to declare a state of emergency and intervene in the media in the face of violent activity to overthrow the constitution, allowing dissent but also allowing democracy to defend itself against the enemies of freedom,
  • going to accelerate Venezuela’s moves from political to social transformation,
  • and from a capitalist welfare state toward democratic socialism,
  • is going to expand a virulent case of anti-neoliberal, ‘class against class’ war, in which the entire future US "Latin American Empire" is at stake.
  • going to mitigate against Washington’s hold on its biggest oil supplier.

Or is this what you thought

  • is going to allow Chavez to run for reelection indefinitely ... (unlike our allies Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan and Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia who both declare martial law to remain in office indefinably because an election would send them fleeing for the next border).
  • plus, the King of Spain doesn't like him
  • and he has big lips

Well now there is an even bigger reason to overthrow the government of Venezuela.

Compared to the "DynCorp pesticide, death squad democracy" the US created next door for the Colombians a study finds that the Venezuelan people are happier and more satisfied and more well adjusted.

Thanks to BoRev.Net for pointing out this study.

The Chilean polling firm Latinobarómetro has released a report on what the Latin Americans are thinking. Comparing the citizens of Venezuela against Colombia...

  • How would you describe in general, the current economic situation of the country. Would you say that it is very good, good, etc

Venezuela 52
Colombia 20

  • In the next few months do you believe, in general, the economic situation in the country will be much better, a little better, etc

Venezuela 60
Colombia 31

  • Imagine the following situation: Two people, same age, working as computer programmers, doing the same job. One earns more than the other but their work is faster, more efficient and more reliable. Do you consider this pay differential just.

Venezuela 65
Colombia 48

  • Do you agree that the privatization of state business has been beneficial?
(Incongruent. Must be a measure of overall satisfaction)
Venezuela 47
Colombia 33

  • It is said that the state can resolve the problems of our society because they have the resources to do this. Do you think that the state can resolve your problems

Venezuela 67
Colombia 36

  • How just do you believe the distribution of earnings are in the country. Here answer for only very just or just

Venezuela 55
Colombia 17

  • In all countries there are differences and conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, how strong is the conflict between the rich and the poor. Answers only for very strong or more strong

Venezuela 68
Colombia 84

  • In your opinion, how strong is the conflict between business owners and workers. Answers only for very stron or more strong
Venezuela 54
Colombia 74

  • In your opinion, how strong is the conflict between different racial groups. Answers only for very strong or more strong

Venezuela 43
Colombia 65

  • In your opinion, how strong is the conflict between men and women. Answers only for very strong or more strong

Venezuela 47
Colombia 63

  • Where a "0" is left wing and "10" is right wing, where do you locate yourself on this scale

Venezuela 5.26
Colombia 5.81

  • In general, would you say that you are satisfied with the way functioning of democracy in your country?

Venezuela 59
Colombia 32

  • How much confidence do you have in the political parties. Here answer only for much or some.

Venezuela 36
Colombia 18

  • There are different opinions about access to justice in the country. Do you believe that people have equal opportunity to justice.

Venezuela 38
Colombia 23

  • Have you are a family member been a victim of a crime in the last twelve months.

Venezuela 49
Colombia 34

And finally,

  • Would you say that you are very satisfied, well satisfied, etc. with the education to which you have access.

Venezuela 74
Colombia 62

So the question is:
  • Do you think the people of Colombia would like to trade places with Venezuela?
  • Do you think the people of Colombia would like to have a Chavez rather than a Uribe?

If you answered yes then you would be right, and that is a big problem for the US

GRAFFITI: Universidad Nacional, Bogota
´Paramilitary working for Justice and Peace´ This piece refers to the impunity given to the crimes of ´demobilized´ paramilitaries by the Justice and Peace Law

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