Monday, December 03, 2007


From the WaPo

And some student groups have received funding for workshops from the U.S. Agency for International Development, according to documents made available to The Washington Post on Saturday.

The U.S. documents, obtained through a freedom of information request filed by a researcher for the National Security Archive at George Washington University, show that $216,000 was provided from 2003 through this year to unnamed student groups at several universities for
  • "conflict resolution,"
  • "democracy promotion"
  • and other programs.

A spokeswoman at the American Embassy in Caracas, Jennifer Rahimi, said that the United States supports
  • "nonpartisan civil society activity"
but that there is no funding for the opposition movement. "There is no conspiracy to affect the outcome of the constitutional referendum," she said.


  1. Thank you for this post. I didn't know about that specifically.

  2. Thanks for dropping by. I have checked out your blog and project in the past. Keep up the good work.
