Friday, August 22, 2008


It was hard not to notice the bus at midday Thursday in downtown Fort Worth.

But before a single woman could do anything on camera she would later regret, the event was abruptly canceled.

Someone on the bus said "the city" was kicking them out, but it turned out that the intervention came from Sundance Square Management, which oversees leasing in downtown real estate development.

"We asked City Streets to not do this," said Tracy Gilmour, director of marketing for Sundance Square Management.

"We knew nothing about it until the bus showed up, and that’s just not the way we like to do business in Sundance," Gilmour said.


  1. Damn! I'm bummed and I don't even live there or go to malls. But I thought Texas was synonymous with tit-flashing. Now it's all like, "Hell no, we won't show."

  2. I live here. Go to Dallas for your titty flashing

  3. No thanks! Here in Seattle we have to pay women to cover them up.

  4. I would prefer Seattle for the politics, weather and titties. Texas is pretty tough.
