Clipped from:, Pierre Tristam
Health care
- Eliminate the role of the insurance industry in health.
- single-payer system such as Medicare
- I'd much rather pay my $5,000-a-year premiums in the form of a national health tax
- Witness the absurdity of Democratic presidential candidates pretending $200,000 earners are middle class
- Return marginal tax rates -- all rates -- to their Clinton-era levels.
- Forget about a middle--class tax cut
- Capital gains and dividend income? Tax it at the same rate as all other income.
- Implement $1-a-gallon federal surtax on gas
- incentive to drive less,
- energizes the alternative-energy sector and finance it
Star wars
- We have spent $160 billion and barely a couple of pretend-success tests.
- This is the absurd ballistic missile defense system that the US is trying to place in Poland and Czech Republic,
- a system that doesn't work to defend against ballistic missiles that don't work either.
- Time to junk it, along with the $380-million-a-plane F-22 Raptor fighter program,
- A "blue card" to every illegal immigrant willing to work and pay taxes, as a first step to a Green Card -- and citizenship. It's not amnesty.
Domestic security
- Close the Department of Homeland Security
- single-biggest, most useless and abusive (of dollars and liberties) expansion of government since Harry Truman signed the equally toxic National Security Act of 1947. Bonus radicalism:
Iraq and Afghanistan
- Withdraw troops from both, replace them with plenty of economic aid and a few special forces focused exclusively on al-Qaida.
That would be radical, at least relative to the fearful, self-serving conservatism of the past three decades. In reality, it's only mildly liberal -- and unlike anything Obama is proposing. As I said: If only.
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