Monday, February 22, 2010


“When the wealthy fuck up,” writes Stack, “the poor get to die for the mistakes.”

“two interpretations for every law; one for the very rich, and one for the rest of us.”

corporate socialism,

Corporations marred by their own stupidity and greed get bail-outs, writes Stack, while healthcare companies plunder the ranks of the sick and the dying for profit

the “vulgar and corrupt” Catholic Church as a “monster of organized religion” that grows inordinately wealthy exploiting religious tax exemptions.

IRS, a gigantic system of wealth transfer that keeps alive a government which ably represents its corporate handlers but coldly calculates the length and breadth of the shaft for its citizens

a government that has allowed bigness oligopolies to take the dominant position in just about every major sector of the economy (in banking, finance, food production, energy, defense, steel, pharmaceuticals, airlines, and media), while institutionalizing unfairness for the small man

echoes of Paul Goodman, the author and anarchist and one of the great unsung thinkers of our time

“one interlocked system of big government, big corporations, big municipalities, big labor, big education, and big communication, in which all of us are pretty regimented and brainwashed, and in which direct initiative and deciding have become difficult or impossible.”

[that] politics is essentially a matter of ‘getting into power,’ and then ‘deciding,’ directing, controlling, coercing, the activities of society”
centralization and bigness remain the norm

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