Monday, March 29, 2010


clipped from:

- M. Shahid Alam is professor of economics at Northeastern University, Boston. He is author of Israeli Exceptionalism (Palgrave, 2009) and Challenging the New Orientalism (IPI, 2006). He contributed this article to Contact him at

The 9-11 attacks offered Israel would emerge from these wars as the undisputed regional hegemon, and, possibly, a world power

history took a number of ‘wrong’ turns. Iraq became a quagmire for US troops. Iran’s Shi’ite allies Iran gained control over much of Iraq, barring the Kurdish region. Soon, Iran had extended its influence into eastern Afghanistan. Israeli policy had boomeranged.

In a strange reversal, Iran now cast its shadow over much of the Middle East. It mocked Israel, stood up for the Palestinians, showed up the pro-American Arab regimes for what they are, forcing them to openly identify with Israel. In bitterness, some Arab commentators blamed the US for resurrecting the ancient Persian empire.

the US is insisting that Israel suspend new settlement construction in East Jerusalem to pave the way for ‘peace’ talks

On March 9, when the US Vice President, Israel’s settlement activity “undermines the security of our troops who are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. That endangers us, and it endangers regional peace.”

Joe Biden was echoing the message delivered by General Petraeus, commander of US troops in the Middle East, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the US Armed Services Committee. Hillary Clinton too reiterated this message in her speech to AIPAC.

June 1967, two destabilizing results, created it anew, its native problem in 1948 to retain the West Bank and Gaza, also, extremist Jews who began to colonize East Jerusalem, West Bank, and Gaza. Unable to drive out the Palestinians, this new round of colonization would turn Israel into an apartheid state.

In the 2000s, international civil society started taking notice. Movements
divest from, boycott and sanction Israel, Western legal systems to prosecute Israelis
sraeli leaders ow heckled

In 1982, in a bid to extend Israel’s northern border creating Hizbullah

In 2000, they forced Israel to withdraw unilaterally, and in July 2006 repulsed a fresh Israeli invasion, giving Israel a bloody nose.

Tehran was now positioned right next to Israel’s northern border. the same time to defeat the Second Intifada built the apartheid Wall. Gaza while sealing it from outside contacts

‘peace’ talks lost their urgency. pro-US Arab regimes a bit nervous: they needed the charade of ‘peace’ talks

Egyptian-Israeli siege of Gaza brought Iranian influence to Israel’s southern border

After the Cold War, the Zionists too – led by the Neocons – pursued the same goal.
Using the absurd thesis of the ‘clash of civilizations,’ they began to promote a Western war against the Islamicate

Israel’s long-standing war strategy. Israel took US money and weapons, but fought its own wars. built Israel’s military strength and prestige, kept the US military out of Israel’s path to hegemony

When al-Qaida struck on 9-11, Israel saw opportunity

ten years later, chickens are coming home, US military has spoken

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