Sunday, June 06, 2010

NDN is the Key

Northern Distribution Network include:Latvia;Azerbaijan;Georgia; Kazakhstan; Russia; Tajikistan; and Uzbekistan. US war bases have been renamed ‘transit centers.’ They are still US military bases. Russia’s role, establishment of the rail line from Latvia down to the Uzbek-Afghan border, also agreeing to over-flights. struggling
Russian companies, it give them tens of millions of sorely-needed dollars. At the However, at the same time Moscow to convince the Bakiev to deny further access to the Manas. Moscow was unsuccessful.

NDN gives Washington increasing lever over troubled economies. Transit agreements
provide new ties and weaken ties to Russia. NDN build an interest lobby within Russia to continue NATO cooperation. Also, potential of the NDN to create a counter pole to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Russian alone, $1 billion a year hauling Pentagon supplies

If the US succeeds it will be checkmate’. blocking any combination from opposing Pentagon
  • nations of South America to follow an independent course, dashed
  • China to build a regional economic zone of stability against the collapsing dollar gone.
  • Russia, broken into feuding pieces as tribal and ethnic and religious wars spread across the states
Hence events in Kyrgyzstan are of staggering geopolitical importance.

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