Saturday, June 05, 2010

Spreading War via NDN

To enable the spread of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) the Northern Distribution Network (NDN) is key. US presence in Kyrgyzstan is a key to the NDN. It involves a series of logistical arrangements connecting Baltic and Caspian ports with Afghanistan. Iran and China are also being considered to open those to Pentagon logistic.

NDN provides a mechanism. It only costs a few millions of dollars of transit fees, to penetrate deep. The flow of war material and troops will be huge. Under the Obama ‘surge’ the demand for non-military supplies in 2010-2011 is estimated to be 200-300% more than in 2008.

Holbrooke toured Central Asia in February. During Kyrgyzstan, Holbrooke intended to conduct a secret meeting with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) to discuss guerilla sabotage of the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan-China (TUKC)

The true geopolitical aim of the US is to sabotage Chinese pipeline under the cover of ‘terrorist’ attacks. This is the classic ‘false flag’

Paul Quinn-Judge, International Crisis Group says stepped-up US military-related shipping through Kyrgyzstan will lead to attacks by insurgent groups Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Jihad Union.

“The problem with the Northern Distribution Network is obvious. It turns Central Asia into a part of the theater of war,” in March 2009, Obama announced $5.5 million to the Bakiyev administration for a “counter-terrorism“training center. This is the second major military foothold in the country and it is a staging area to spread the war. CIA’s use of Islamic militants as covert foreign policy is a fact.

The same military that ‘trains’ the terrorists also trains the ‘anti-terrorists.’the essence of US and British-developed methods of warfare employed actively since the early 1950s.

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