Saturday, July 03, 2010

The War That’s Not a War by Rep. Ron Paul --

The War That’s Not a War by Rep. Ron Paul --

In January 1991, we went to war against Saddam Hussein, our ally during the Iran-Iraq war. A border disput broke out after our green light to Hussein. we reacted, and been involved ever since. After 20 years and a couple trillion, our leaders threaten Iran.

We are at war against a tactic called terrorism, not a country. This allows our military to go any place without limits. Congress has not declared war, But Congress obediently provides all the money. Our soldiers wear a uniform; our enemies do not. They are not part of any government. They have no planes, no tanks, no ships, no missiles, and no modern technology. If it was a real war, we would have won it by now.

Our stated goal, destroy al Qaeda. Was al Qaeda in Iraq? only 100 in Afghanistan. Are there other reasons for this war that is not a war? anyone know who we are fighting and why? Nine years, and it continues to spread. We own the Iraq Government, as we do Afghanistan.

the Taliban were called the Mujahideen, our allies, with bin Laden, to oust the Soviets. What gratitude, those same people now resent our benevolent occupation.

The harder we fight a war that is not a war, the weaker we get and the stronger becomes our enemy. When an enemy without weapons can respect an army of great strength, the most powerful of all history, one should ask, who has the moral high ground?

Military failure in Afghanistan is to be our destiny. Changing generals without changing our policies perpetuates our agony and delays the inevitable. Nation building, police work, social engineering is never a job for occupiers, for soldiers trained to win wars.

victory is no longer even a stated goal. this war is against ourselves, our values, our Constitution, our financial well-being and common sense.

it’s going to end badly.

What we need are honest leaders with character and a new foreign policy.

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