Sunday, February 06, 2011



By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

Former President George “W” Bush has been forced to cancel a highly paid speaking engagement to an Israeli group in Switzerland. Bush was going to be arrested as a war criminal. He is now fighting extradition. This will not be reported in any American mainstream media.

Arrest warrants have been issued in Switzerland for Bush, charging him with a broad list of war crimes under a United Nations convention that obligates any signatory nation to take a violator, one believed to have been involved in torture in any manner, into custody. Though Bush is the highest profile target of this law, literally dozens of high government officials in the US are no longer free to travel openly, along with thousands of others including judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, security and intelligence officers and members of the US military.

Any American involved in the apprehension, detention, interrogation or prosecution of anyone who was subjected to any pain and suffering, mental of physical, is considered a war criminal and subject to arrest.

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