Thursday, January 30, 2014

WHAT KILLED Nicolae Ceausescu

WHAT KILLED Nicolae Ceausescu
WHAT KILLED Nicolae Ceausescu
(Arthur Bagirov.)

In the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s, all the countries of the West, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the other multinational financial institutions strongly supported the head of Romania and his policies. Romania received preferential loans and credits, its products were given access to the markets of the West, to trade with all countries of the "Big Seven" mode it was "most favored nation". Such privileges had no country is a member of the Warsaw Pact and Comecon. Why?

Because Nicolae Ceausescu often criticized foreign policy actions of the Soviet leadership took an independent position in international affairs. Thus, Romania refused to support Brezhnev, Suslov's adventure in Afghanistan, and in 1968 the Bucharest said the refusal to join the commissioning of Warsaw Pact troops into Czechoslovakia. Nicolae Ceausescu has repeatedly stressed that the action of the Kremlin in Prague and Kabul will lead to the discrediting of the Soviet Union, exacerbate the situation in the world and will contribute to the development of anti-Russian and anti-Soviet sentiment among the people of the socialist countries. Romania's position on these issues suited the West, so Western governments and financial institutions began to support the policies and rhetoric of Nicolae Ceausescu. Well, when in the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s, Moscow has applied economic sanctions against the "crooked" in Bucharest, the West appeared once a trump card in its confrontation with the USSR. It is known, for example, that the Soviet Union suddenly reduce their trade in Romania, delayed payment of Romanian exports to the Soviet Union used the "information blockade" against Nicolae Ceausescu position on many international issues on the world communist movement.

Increases the tension in the Romanian-Soviet relations contributed to the socio-economic programs of Romania were threatened. In addition, Brezhnev and Suslov forced other Comecon countries to reduce trade and economic ties with Romania. Other methods applied pressure. Hungarian leader Janos Kadar, who was appointed head of the Hungarian Khrushchev's leadership in 1956, instigated a campaign to "return" Hungarian Transylvania (Romanian territory traditionally occupied by Hungary until 1945) against "discrimination Transylvanian Hungarians." Puppet Khrushchev and Brezhnev Todor Zhivkov also became the "conductor" of anti-Romanian campaign: Bulgaria began to demand a revision of the Bulgarian-Romanian border on the Danube.

In these circumstances, Romania was forced to seek financial and economic assistance to the Western countries and their agencies. Since the share of CMEA countries for decades had over 60% of the total foreign trade of Romania, the crisis accelerated the Kremlin put these links in Bucharest no-win situation. According to estimates of Romanian sources and the IMF, the loss from Romania to worsen relations with CMEA countries accounted for the years 1980-1985 more than $ 3 billion.

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