Monday, June 30, 2014

Vito Paulekas

An Interview with Szou Paulekas – “Vito and His Freaks” – #182

This is our last episode for year 5 of the Gnostic Media podcast.
This episode is an interview with Szou Paulekas, titled “Vito and his Freaks” and is being released on Monday, October 28, 2013. This interview with Szou was recorded Saturday, September 14, 2013.
In our continuing investigation into MKULTRA, today I interview Szou Paulekas, who was one of Vito’s Freaks on the Laurel Canyon scene and became his wife at age 18. Today she’s takes us on an inside view of her life with Vito.
“Szou was a forerunner of thrift-store fashion, and there were always plenty of falling-apart velvet dresses and forties teddies available for a pittance. Whatever she got tired of wearing, she put a price tag on. She also concocted her own creations out of doilies and tags, which cost a bit more but were the ultimate in antique chic.”
Says Pamelas book “I’m with the band”.
Vito was convicted of armed robbery in 1938, but was released in 1942 and joined the US Merchant Marines. Around 1946, he moved to Los Angeles where, by the early 1960s, he had set up home on Beverly Boulevard.
Vito and Szou are some of the founding pioneers of what became modern art and the 1960s counterculture revolution.

The Nag Hammadi Library

The Gnostic Society Library
The Nag Hammadi Library
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About the Nag Hammadi Library (The Nag Hammadi Scriptures)

The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient codices containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945. This immensely important discovery includes a large number of primary "Gnostic Gospels" -- texts once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define "orthodoxy" -- scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Truth.The leather-bound codices found at Nag Hammadi in 1945
The discovery and translation of the Nag Hammadi library, completed in the 1970's, has provided impetus to a major re-evaluation of early Christian history and the nature of Gnosticism.  Readers unfamiliar with this history may wish to read an excerpt from Elaine Pagels' excellent popular introduction to the Nag Hammadi texts, The Gnostic Gospels. We also offer another brief Introduction to Gnosticism and the Nag Hammadi Library.
Visit the Bookstore to purchase the The Nag Hammadi Scriptures and to find information on other important introductory works that will help explain this material -- or just click here to buy The Nag Hammadi Scriptures.

Texts in the Collection:

All the texts discovered at Nag Hammadi are available in the Gnostic Society Library; they are indexed here in alphabetical order, and by their location in the original codices. A subject categorized list of the writings is also given, below. You may search the entire collection of texts for keywords or phrases using the search form.

John Lamb Lash Website
John Lash
site author

Metahistory is a path beyond the received scripts of history and culture, toward a world free from enslavement to historical lies and unexamined beliefs.

Humanity is a species endangered by its beliefs, and most of all, its religious illusion of superiority. To go beyond history is not solely a human prerogative, for the path ahead is not ours alone, but the way of all sentient beings.

Closely aligned with deep ecology, and going deeper, this site develops open source spirituality that can reflect the innate sanity of humankind. It explores the question of what is a true planetary view, a way to live bonded intimately to the earth and coevolving with the non-human world. Toward that end, it invites a future myth, a story to guide the species and align one person at a time to Gaia, the living planet....

“tobacco science”

6. The biotech industry uses “tobacco science” to claim product safety.

Biotech companies like Monsanto told us that Agent Orange, PCBs, and DDT were safe. They are now using the same type of superficial, rigged research to try and convince us that GMOs are safe. Independent scientists, however, have caught the spin-masters red-handed, demonstrating without doubt how industry-funded research is designed to avoid finding problems, and how adverse findings are distorted or denied.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Why the USA and England Had to Start World War Two

 Why the USA and England Had to Start World War Two

Why? Basically because their gangster overlords, the sleazy criminals that slither around the banks in Wall Street and the City of London financial district told them to get the war on.

The banksters were deathly afraid that Hitler's resuscitation of Germany's economy, which had been on life support and falling fast, but got turned around in a matter of years into what got called an economic miracle would start spreading to other nations, many of whom were being destroyed from within by the perverted banksters choke-hold on those nations.

They knew that if Hitler's plan started catching on elsewhere, their centuries old con of debt based currency would no longer be needed or used and that would put the fiat banks out of business, not only seriously impacting their very lucrative incomes, but worse, strip away all their power.

That could not be allowed to happen.

From J.F. C. Fuller's book, "Military History of the Western World," Volume 111 Chronicle 10 , "The rise of the Third Reich and the origins of the Second World War." First published in 1956.

    Hitler's goal was Napoleonic; to establish a German Continental System under the aegis of Germany. Also, his means were not far removed from those of the great emperor: to liberate Germany from the shackles of international loan-capitalism, to unite all Germanic peoples into the Third Reich, and to establish in eastern Europe what he called the German Lebensraum (living space) which he considered essential to the economic security of Germany....

    Hitler held that, as long as the international monetary system was based on gold, a nation which cornered gold could impose its will on those who lacked it. This could be done by drying up their sources of exchange, and thereby compelling them to accept loans on interest in order to distribute their wealth-their production. He said: "The community of the nation does not live by the fictitious value of money, but by real production which in its turn gives value to money. This production is the real cover of the currency, and not a bank or as safe full of gold." He decided: (1) To refuse foreign interest-bearing loans, and base German currency of production instead of gold. (2) To obtain imports by direct exchange of goods - barter - and subsidize exports when necessary. (3) To put a stop to what was called "Freedom of the exchanges" - that is, license to gamble on currencies and shift private fortunes from one country to another according to the political situation. And (4) to create money when men and material were available for work instead of running to debt by borrowing it.

    Because the life of international finance depended upon the issue of interest-bearing loans to nations in economic distress, Hitler's economic spelt its ruination. If he were allowed to succeed, other nations would certainly follow his example, and should a time come when all non-gold-holding governments exchanged goods for goods, not only would borrowing cease and gold lose its power, but the money-lenders would have to close shop.

    This financial pistol was pointed more particularly at the United States, because they held the bulk of the world's supply of gold, and because their mass-production system necessitated the export of about 10 per cent of their products to avoid unemployment......six months after Hitler became Chancellor, Samuel Untermyer, a wealthy New York attorney, threw down the challenge. He proclaimed a "holy war" against National Socialism and called for an economic boycott of German goods, shipping and services. Cordell Hull, American Secretary of State, under the terms of the Trade Agreement of 1934, insisted that American foreign trade should not be undercut by exchange controls, government monopolies, and the barter system.

    Between 1933 and 1936, Hitler had reduced German unemployment from six million to one, and prosperity had so far returned that, like Arthur Balfour in 1907, in 1936 Winston Churchill is reported to have said to General Robert E. Wood of America: "Germany is getting too strong and we must smash her." Then in September 1937, a new American depression set in and developed with startling rapidity that, on October 19, the stock market collapsed, and in the following month the census of unemployment showed about 11 million totally unemployed and 5,500,500 partially so. Something had to be done to divert public attention from this desperate situation- especially as the presidential elections were impending - and on October 5, at Chicago, President Roosevelt delivered his notorious "Quarantine Speech." He spoke of "a haunting fear of calamity ... the present reign of terror ... the very foundation of civilization are seriously threatened ... let no one imagine that America will escape, that the Western Hemisphere will not be attacked," and that the easiest measure to enforce moral standards was an international quarantine against aggressors. Mr. Bernard Baruch told General George C. Marshall that "We are going to lick that fellow Hitler. He isn't going to get away with it." Baruch released a report of an interview he had with the President in which he said: "If we keep our prices down, there is no reason why we shouldn't get the customers from the belligerent nations that they have had to drop because of the war. In that event Germany's barter system will be destroyed."

    In Great Britain a similar challenge to the barter system was in full blast ... "The British Government were ... determined not to abandon a single European market and not to renounce their economic advantages in favour of the German Reich ... Today we are making negotiations in the economic sphere and shattering the German economic system."

Samuel Untermyer was president of Keren Hayesod, grandaddy of all the other Zionist 'snatch and grab' organizations, like UJA. Of course, when you get so many slippery characters together, some GOYIM are going to lose their shirts and wallets, which is what happened to Germany--don't the Khazar thieves ever tire of looting Germany?---when KH chairwoman Rudolfine Steindling milked stole over 130 million Euros in the 1990's from that nation.

Steindling's daughter somehow came into several valuable pieces of real estate, including a villa worth 15 million Euros. Hmm, wonder where the money to buy that came from?

Litigation to get back the stolen money is ongoing....Yeah Germany, good luck with that.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Stage 4 Cancer Gone With Baking Soda Treatment

Stage 4 Cancer Gone With Baking Soda Treatment

The story of Vernon Johnston who treated his advanced, metastasizing prostate cancer with baking soda brought this simple, cheap and commonly available cancer remedy to the limelight. However, baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is really one of the best kept secrets in oncology. How can baking soda stop cancer? How should it be used? This article answers all your questions about the baking soda treatment of cancer.
 you need maple syrup, molasses or honey to go along with the baking soda. In Dr. Sircus’ book, he documented how one patient used baking soda and blackstrap molasses to fight the prostate cancer that had metastasized to his bones. On the first day, the patient mixed 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of molasses in a cup of water.
He took this for another 3 days after which his saliva pH read 7.0 and his urine pH read 7.5.
Encouraged by these results, the patient took the solution 2 times on day 5 instead of once daily. And from day 6 – 10, he took 2 teaspoons each of baking soda and molasses twice daily.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Decline Of The US And The End Of The American Empire

Ever since 9/11, it has been apparent that the American empire is living on borrowed time. In more recent years, the inevitable collapse of American world hegemony and the unipolar world is one that very few informed observers can continue to ignore.

Riddled with massive unemployment, an overextended military, entrenched police state, crumbling infrastructure, and the ever-present threat to the US dollar, it is clear that the United States is merely the shell of its former self. Indeed, in 2014, the concept of long-term American primacy is only a fantasy maintained by the mainstream media with its constant repetition of meaningless and absurd notions of recoveries, humanitarian interventions, and national security.

One day in 1913, Woodrow Wilson had a shocking thought 

by Jon Rappoport
June 26, 2014
President Woodrow Wilson was one of those men who saw a horrible danger to his country, looked it in the eye, and decided that, instead of trying to decentralize and dismantle that overarching power, he would hope against hope that greater cooperation among leaders of nations would bring sanity and peace and freedom of the individual.

Of course, he was wrong.
Wilson knew he was entangled with those very powers that were destroying the best of what American stood for.

Nevertheless, no modern President has made more revealing comments on the existence and nature of the shadow government, the real rulers of America.

This was his 1913 thought:
“…the control of credit…has become dangerously centralized…The great monopoly in this country is the monopoly of big credits. So long as that exists, our old variety and freedom and individual energy of development are out of the question.

John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"Extended Interview 2008

John Perkins: "Zeitgeist: Addendum" Extended Interview 2008;see below

The Economic Hitmen

A great illustration on how corporations take control of countries, and how capitalism drives the expansion of the Military Industrial Complex

Hillary Clinton Serves as Cheerleader for GMOs at Biotech Event (But What’s She Eating at Home)?
Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at the BIO International Convention on Wednesday, June 25 and made comments that confirmed what most in the growing natural and organic food movement already know: she’s pro-GMO through and through (at least when it comes to other people), much like the other big money politicians from the two major political parties.

 Of course the federal government already produces huge subsidies for the commodity crops corn and soy, which are mostly GMO in the United States (over 90% each); many non-GMO farmers have say they’ve been forced to abandon growing these crops due to the cross contamination risk they pose and thus are not able to take advantage of such subsidies.

As noted in this article from 2009, Hillary Clinton has deep ties with the Biotech, GMO and agrochemical industries.
But at home, Hillary seems adamant about what she wants in her own garden and on her own dinner table as noted in this article.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Has the Dept. of Homeland Security Become America’s Standing Army?

Has the Dept. of Homeland Security Become America’s Standing Army?

By John W. Whitehead
“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”—James Madison
“Here [in New Mexico], we are moving more toward a national police force. Homeland Security is involved with a lot of little things around town. Somebody in Washington needs to call a timeout.”—Dan Klein, retired Albuquerque Police Department sergeant
If the United States is a police state, then the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is its national police force, with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies. In fact, although the DHS’ governmental bureaucracy may at times appear to be inept and bungling, it is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to building what the Founders feared most—a standing army on American soil.

Militarization of police in America

Militarization of police in America

By Zac Corrigan
16 June 2014
During the Obama administration, the Pentagon has been equipping US police departments across the country with a staggering amount of military weapons, combat vehicles, and other equipment, according to Pentagon data.

The Choice Before Us

Williams became the founder of the ‘Madison’ school of revisionist historians, who figured prominently in the Vietnam-era teach-ins. Their hostility to the Democratic Party’s war in its early stages was critical in turning a generation of youth, including me, into radicals. Among them are Gabriel Kolko, Gar Alperovitz and younger scholars grouped around the journal Radical America. By providing a platform for Williams, the American Socialist provided a ‘revolutionary continuity’ that was much more meaningful than that claimed by small, sectarian ‘vanguard’ parties claiming to be the avatar of Marx and Lenin. 

The Choice Before Us

by William Appleman Williams

(Mr. Williams has been assistant professor of history at the University of Oregon, and is moving to the University of Wisconsin this September. His books on American diplomacy attracted wide attention, and his articles have appeared in The Nation and other periodicals. This is his first article for the American Socialist.)
DOMESTIC radicalism has long been associated, in the thought of the Left and the Right alike, with unsettled international conditions. War and revolution have been linked together in the hopes of the rebels and in the fears of the reactionaries. Even more restrained observers tend to assume, or try to establish, a simple one-to-one relationship between war and radicalism. A great deal of pseudo-history has recently been written, for example, supposedly proving that the Bolshevik Revolution caused every war since 1917. And, since the Suez affair at any rate, everyone is familiar with the argument that the Western powers must at all costs avoid disagreements because another war among themselves would produce a Communist world.
Let it be granted that this familiar thesis does account, at least to a degree, and in the latter stages of the process, for some aspects of radical changes. The fact remains that it begs the crucial point about the relationship between radicalism and international affairs. Overlooked in all this free association between war and revolution is the hard truth that revolutions, whatever the suddenness of their eruption, are not spontaneous affairs. Major revolutions, or truly radical changes without violence, are preceded by a period of time during which the society in question is faced by a choice between competing solutions to the fundamental problems of political economy and social relationships. Almost without exception, these various approaches ultimately narrow down to two alternatives: a continuance of the existing order devolving into a and devastating war, or a radical reordering of domestic society. It is possible to specify examples which appear to contradict this proposition (Guatemala and Honduras come to mind), but closer inspection of such cases suggests that they fall into the category of revolutions occurring in the spheres of influence of major powers for the central thesis remains valid.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Boy George - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me