Friday, June 27, 2014

Hillary Clinton Serves as Cheerleader for GMOs at Biotech Event (But What’s She Eating at Home)?
Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at the BIO International Convention on Wednesday, June 25 and made comments that confirmed what most in the growing natural and organic food movement already know: she’s pro-GMO through and through (at least when it comes to other people), much like the other big money politicians from the two major political parties.

 Of course the federal government already produces huge subsidies for the commodity crops corn and soy, which are mostly GMO in the United States (over 90% each); many non-GMO farmers have say they’ve been forced to abandon growing these crops due to the cross contamination risk they pose and thus are not able to take advantage of such subsidies.

As noted in this article from 2009, Hillary Clinton has deep ties with the Biotech, GMO and agrochemical industries.
But at home, Hillary seems adamant about what she wants in her own garden and on her own dinner table as noted in this article.

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