Permanent War?
Dealing with Realities in Iraq and Washington
By Robert Dreyfuss
- Use military force to destroy the political infrastructure of the Iraqi state
- shatter the old Iraqi armed forces;
- eliminate Iraq as a determined foe of U.S. hegemony in the oil-rich Persian Gulf;
- build on the wreckage of the old Iraq a new state beholden to the U.S.;
- create a new political class willing to be subservient to our interests in the region;
- and use that new Iraq as a base for further expansion.
- keep as much military power as he can in Iraq for as long as it takes,
- while recruiting, training, funding, and supervising a ruthless Iraqi police and security force that will gradually allow the American military to reduce their "footprint" in the country without entirely leaving.

The endgame
- permanent U.S. military presence in the country
- including permanent bases and basing rights
- and a predominant position for U.S. business and oil interests.
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