But the more earthshaking declaration out of the White House yesterday was the verbal smackdown of Calderón – “Last time I checked, Calderon did not have any official authority” – and the declaration that “the President will acknowledge” the results of a recount.

The bigger problem for George W. Bush than that of who is president of Mexico is that of who is president of the United States. The exploding story of massive electoral fraud in Mexico next-door is having an unintended consequence: It is awakening historic memory of the electoral frauds carried out to make Bush president up North.

If Mexican authorities continue to stonewall and impose Calderón as president, they will provoke 300 Comalcalcos at each of IFE’s regional headquarters and its national seat, converting those offices, as occurred last night in Tabasco, into white collar prisons, from which the electoral delinquents will not escape.
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