Friday, July 27, 2007

EPR (Part I in English) (Carlos Montemayor)

[Three bombs exploded on July 5, blowing up a steel pipeline which supplies natural gas from Mexico City to the state of Guanajuato. A fourth exploded on July 10, severing another pipeline supplying natural gas to Querétaro. Both pipelines belonged to Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex), the state-owned national oil company. Also on July 10 the Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR, its Spanish initials) issued a communiqué taking responsibility for the bombings. Below is Part I of a two-part analysis by Carlos Montemayor, an expert in Mexican guerrilla movements. Part II will follow later. CSC (translator)]

[The EZLN declared that the assessment repeated here by Montemayor that "Tiburcio Cruz Sánchez" had been "an EZLN military advisor" is not true. SI Marcos said that "El EZLN no ha tenido, no tiene, ni tendrá asesores militares" ("The EZLN has neved had, doesn't have and will never have any military advisor").
See note in La Jornada -- de tod@s para tod@s]

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