
Bush's Agenda in Iran
By Reese Erlich, AlterNet. Posted October 3, 2007.
- On Sept. 26, by a vote of 76-22, the Senate passed a "sense of the Senate" resolution calling on the United States to declare Iran's Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organization.
- The Bush administration is preparing public opinion for a possible bombing attack on Iran.
- The White House is using the same propaganda techniques to whip up popular opinion
- Iran has no nuclear weapons and couldn't have them for years.
- it has no proof of Iranian plans to build nuclear bombs.
- EFPs (explosively formed penetrators) are easily made in Iraqi machine shops and can be purchased commercially for mining operations.
- For years Iran has given political, economic and military support to Shia and Kurdish militias, but
- the administration has never proven that Iran is intentionally targeting U.S. soldiers.
- Iran does not plan, nor does it have the capability of "wiping Israel off the map."
- Iran does support Hizbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine, but such support does not constitute a threat of Jewish annihilation.
- The U.S. and Israeli governments consciously distort and exaggerate Iran's threat in order to justify immediate military action.
- For two years the United States has helped splinter groups among Iran's ethnic minorities to blow up buildings, assassinate Revolutionary Guards and kill civilians in an effort to destabilize the Tehran regime.
- They hope to launch a massive bombing campaign which will so weaken Tehran that the regime will fall and Iranians will see the United States as their savior.

- The people of Iran, leading democracy advocates and even conservative Iranian-American exile groups oppose an attack.
- They understand that U.S. bombs falling on Tehran will only rally people behind the current government.
- Akbar Ganji wrote, "Even speaking about the possibility of a military attack on Iran makes things extremely difficult for human rights and pro-democracy activists in Iran.
- No Iranian wants to see what happened to Iraq or Afghanistan repeated in Iran."
In reality, a U.S. attack would be disastrous.
- Iran could close the Strait of Hormuz, through which 25 percent of the world's oil supplies pass.
- Oil prices would skyrocket.
- Iran could encourage Hizbollah to launch missiles into Israel.
- Muslims would hold demonstrations in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
- Iran could mobilize that anger and encourage Shiite parties in Iraq to attack U.S. troops.
- Iran could encourage terrorist attacks inside the United States and in allied countries.
- Syria's President Bashar al-Asad in 2006, he said, "If you do a military strike, you will have chaos. It's very dangerous."

The United States does to Iran what it accuses Iran of doing in Iraq.
Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan, or PJAK-- posters of Ocalan hung on the wall along with the PKK flag
Reese Erlich's book, "The Iran Agenda: The Real Story of US Policy and the Middle East Crisis," will be published in September 2007. See his interviews with Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi and other Iranian opposition leaders at: motherjones.com/iran_dissidents.
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