Wednesday, December 02, 2009


The brief interregnum is now over. The naive belief that things were gonna be different can now be shelved along with last year's Christmas decorations and the change that was supposedly on the way was just another cynical ploy to keep the suckers in check. Last night, before one of the George W. Bush style military prop audiences at West Point the new emperor shed his sheep's clothing and announced that yes indeed, America was back, bad to the bone and ready to whup some ass on those *!&@^#%$ who attacked us on GAG - September 11, 2001. Now the Pope of Hope wasn't strutting across the deck of an awesome war toy like the USS Abraham Lincoln in a flight suit and a bulging codpiece but it was vintage Bush nonetheless, dig this little line from the long awaited speech. “It is from here that we were attacked on 9/11, and it is from here that new attacks are being plotted as I speak”. And so once again we find more imperialism, murder and atrocity being predicated on the Hitlerian big lie of 9/11. As the old saying goes, the more things change the more they stay the same and in this diseased and nearly dead year of 2009 in the land of crushed hopes and broken dreams, after those filthy scum Wall Street bankers had rolled back the clock to the good ole days of big bonuses and endless casino gambling so has the establishment rolled back the clock to 2003. Bush Lite Obama and his dirty recycled Clinton rat cabal have put their seal of approval on a never ending crusade and will use the full power of the state to shakedown an already impoverished nation of subjects to fund it.

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