Tuesday, December 15, 2009



Warren Hinkle and William Turner, in The Fish is Red, easily the best book on the CIA's war against Cuba
The Deputy Chief of the CIA's main Batista secret police force had been captured
The Agency had set up the unit in 1956 and called it the Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities or BRAC
The Deputy Chief of BRAC, one Jose Castano Quevedo
BRAC liaison man with the CIA Station in the U.S. Embassy
Agency Chief of Station sent a journalist collaborator named Andrew St. George to Che Guevara,
out 31st avenue on the way to the airport, just before turning left at the Marianao military hospital, I pass on the left a large, multi-storey white police station that occupies an entire city block. The style looks like 1920's fake castle
Next door, separated from the castle by 110th street, is a fairly large two-story green house
it was the dreaded BRAC Headquarters,
March 1960
blew up a French freighter, Le Coubre, as it was unloading a shipment of weapons from Belgium at a Havana wharf.
100 died

In April the following yea
a CIA sabotage operation burned down El Encanto, Havana's largest department store
U.S. aggression against Cuba since 1959
has cost nearly 3500 lives and left more than 2000 disabled.
Jane Franklin's classic historical chronology The Cuban Revolution and the United States.
Richard Helms, the former CIA Director, when testifying in 1975 before the Senate Committee
In admitting to "invasions of Cuba which we were constantly running under government aegis,"
We had task forces that that were striking at Cuba constantly. We were attempting to blow up power plants. We were attempting to ruin sugar mills.

Senator Christopher Dodd commented to Helms:

It is likely that at the very moment that President Kennedy was shot, a CIA officer was meeting with a Cuban agent in Paris and giving him an assassination device to use against Castro.

Note: the officer worked for Desmond Fitzgerald, a friend of Robert Kennedy and at the time overall chief of the CIA's operations against Cuba, and the agent was Rolando Cubela, a Cuban army Comandante with regular access to Fidel Castro whose CIA codename was AMLASH.]
no U.S. administration since Eisenhower has renounced the use of state terrorism against Cuba, and terrorism against Cuba has never stopped.
April 2003 the Sun-Sentinel of Ft. Lauderdale reported, with accompanying photographs, exile guerrilla training outside Miami by the F-4 Commandos, one of several terrorist groups currently based there
including their connections with the paramilitary arm of the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF).
arrest in Panama
November 2000
4 exile terrorists
Luis Posada Carriles, a man with impeccable CIA credentials
planning the assassination of Fidel Castro
Posada's resume includes planning the Cubana airliner bombing in 1976 that killed all 73 people aboard;
employment by the CIA in El Salvador in 1980's re-supply operations for the contra terrorists in Nicaragua
in 1997 10 bombings of hotels and other tourist sites in Havana

Another of the CIA's untouchable terrorists is Orlando Bosch,
the 1976 Cubana airliner bombing, Bosch was arrested with Carriles a week after the bombing and spent 11 years in a Venezuelan jail
lobbying on Bosch's behalf by Miami Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Cuban American with close ties to CANF, and by Jeb Bush, Ros-Lehtinen's campaign manager prior to his election as governor,
the elder President Bush, who was CIA Director at the time of the Cubana airliner bombing
rescind the deportation order.
Cubans opted in the 1990's to send their own intelligence officers to Florida under cover as exiles to provide warnings on coming terrorist actions.
reporting back to Havana,
illegal over-flights of Cuba by Brothers to the Rescue.
in 1998 Cuba delivered to the FBI voluminous information
on U.S.-based terrorist activities
the FBI then arrested 10 members of a Cuban intelligence network
Later the 5 Cuban intelligence officers running the network were tried in Miami

given draconian sentences, one of them two life terms.
Demand for their freedom is the main political topic in Cuba today.
declaring an unending war against terrorism following the September 2001
rather than starting his anti-terrorist war in Miami
series of pre-emptive wars
Cuba, of course, is wrongfully on that list, but people here take this seriously as a preliminary pretext for U.S. military action against this country.
Civil Society and the Dissidents
Reagan administration
more than terrorist operations was needed to impose regime change in Cuba.
diplomatic isolation
economic embargo
new world wide program to finance and develop non-governmental and voluntary organizations
what was to become known as civil society, within the context of U.S. global neo-liberal policies.
christened in 1983
the new program was not really new.
secretly funding
non-governmental voluntary organizations.
circled the globe

targeted at political parties, trade unions and businessmen's associations, youth and student organizations, women's groups, civic organizations, religious communities, professional, intellectual and cultural societies, and the public information media.
Media operations,
in practically every country,
CIA would pay journalists to publish its materials
In the Directorate of Operations at the CIA's headquarters
these operations were coordinated with the regional operations divisions by the International Organizations Division (IOD), since many of the operations were regional or continental in nature,
to penetrate, divide, weaken and destroy corresponding enemy organizations on the left,
to impose regime change
Guyana where in 1964
Cheddi Jagan government was overthrown through strikes, terrorism, violence and arson perpetrated by CIA international trade union agents.
same time
in Ecuador,
our agents in civil society, through mass demonstrations and civil unrest,
provoked two military coups

in three years against elected, civilian governments. And in Brazil in the early 1960's, the same CIA trade union operations were brought together with other operations in civil society
these mass actions over time provoked the 1964 military coup against President Joao Goulart, ushering in 20 years of unspeakably brutal political repression.
But on February 26th, 1967, the sky crashed on IOD and its global civil society networks.
the Washington Post published an extensive report revealing a grand stable of foundations, some bogus, some real, that the CIA was using to fund its global non-governmental networks.
known as "funding conduits."
with the foundations scores of recipient organizations were identified, including well-known intellectual journals, trade unions, and political think tanks. Soon journalists around the world completed the picture with reports on the names and operations of organizations in their countries affiliated with the network

President Johnson
said such CIA operations would end, but in fact they never did.
he proof is in the CIA's successful operations in Chile to provoke the 1973
Here they combined the forces of opposition political parties, trade unions, businessmen's groups, civic organizations, housewife's associations and the information media to create chaos and disorder, knowing that sooner or later the Chilean military, faithful to traditional fascist military doctrine in Latin America, would use such unrest to justify usurping governmental power to restore order and to stamp out the left.
a carbon copy of the Brazilian destabilization
the civil society opposition to the Hugo Chavez
the CIA
coordinating the destabilization and were behind the failed coup in April 2002 as well as the failed "civic strike" of last December-January.
International Republican Institute (IRI) of the Republican Party
how these civil society operations are run
look at the bureaucratic side.
two words
discipline and control

discipline through tight control of the money and of the agents down the line who spend it.
obligations are to be clear and unambiguous
prevent personal embezzlement
by requiring receipts
activities to penetrate and manipulate civil society are known as Covert Action operations
governed by detailed regulations
a request for money in a document known as a Project Outline,
or a Request for Project Renewal
in a field station or
it describes a current situation;
activities to be undertaken to improve or change the situation vis-a-vis U.S. interests;
a time-line for achieving intermediary and final goals;
risks and the flap potential
detailed budget with information on all participating organizations and individuals and the amounts of money to go to each.
summary of the status of all agent personnel
All people involved are included,
In additional
a certain amount of money without designated recipients
is included under the rubric D&TO
for Developmental and Targets of Opportunity.

to finance new activities that come up during the project approval period,
on all individuals
is always required
A statement is
intelligence information
Thus financial support for a political party is expected to produce intelligence information on the internal politics of the host country.
Project Outlines and Renewals go through an approval process by various offices such as the International Organizations Division, and depending on their sensitivity and cost, they may require approval outside the CIA at the Departments of State, Defense, or Labor, or by the National Security Council or the President himself. When finally approved the CIA's Finance Division allocates the money and the operation begins, or continues if being renewed. The period of approvals and renewals is usually one year.
Agency for International Development and the National Endowment for Democracy
processes similar to the CIA's
for project funding in the civil societies of other countries.

must receive prior approval through an investigative process,
clearly defined tasks
An inter-agency commission determines which of the three agencies, the CIA, AID or NED, or a combination of them, are to carry out specific tasks in the civil societies of specific countries
how much money each should give. All three have obviously been working to develop an opposition civil society in Cuba.
National Endowment for Democracy has its origins in the CIA's covert action operations and was first conceived in the wake of the disastrous revelations noted above that began on February 26th, 1967.
later in April
Dante Fascell, member of the House
from Miami and a close friend of the CIA and Miami Cubans
introduced legislation that would create an "open" foundation to carry on what had been secret CIA funding of the foreign civil society programs of U.S. organizations (e.g., the National Students Association) or of foreign organizations directly (e.g., the Congress for Cultural Freedom based in Paris).


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