Saturday, March 13, 2010


And that's the problem, according to Jeff Gates, author of the highly-regarded Democracy At Risk: Rescuing Main Street From Wall Street, a sequel to The Ownership Solution: Toward A Shared Capitalism For The 21st Century. The latter book was described by one reviewer as "the best book on economics for a generation," and praised by Ralph Nader as "a Capitalist Manifesto, a blueprint for spreading the benefits of capitalism more equitably."

"In financial systems, results are downstream of the 'Chicago model' – a shared mindset from which today's results flow. Over the past half-century, this market-fundamentalist perspective evolved into the 'Washington' consensus to emerge as the guiding principle of the World Trade Organization (WTO) now taking this model to global scale."
Jeff Gates' latest book, Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War, traces the corruption
to a network who "share an ideological bias sympathetic to Israel

the intellectual roots of neoconservatism can also be traced to Chicago, where University of Chicago Professor Albert Wohlstetter's cadre of students included Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. Wohlstetter himself had been a protégé of another University of Chicago Professor, Leo Strauss. Considered to be the "intellectual godfather" of the neocons, Strauss significantly advocated a "philosophy of deception."
The pace is poised to quicken in this policy-enabled redistribution of wealth – from the bottom to the top."
* Maidhc Ó Cathail is a widely published writer based in Japan.

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