Thursday, August 31, 2006


The Bees in the Lion's Carcass
by Uri Avnery
(Wednesday August 30 2006)

Ehud Olmert has found a convincing proof of his great victory over Hassan Nasrallah: "I am touring the country freely while Nasrallah is hiding in his bunker!"

At the moment, dozens of Israeli airplanes and helicopter gunships are standing by, ready to kill Nasrallah if he as much as shows himself. Nasrallah does not have a single airplane or helicopter to kill Olmert. The vast material superiority of the Israeli army over a guerilla organization is no achievement of Olmert - but Hizbullah's ability to survive the massive onslaught of our army is certainly the achievement of Nasrallah.

When Samson the Hero saw a swarm of bees making honey in the carcass of a lion he ramarked: "Out of the strong came forth sweetness." (Judges 14). (That's the same Samson who was abducted by the Philistines and became the first suicide bomber in the history of this country.) Can this phrase become true this time too? Can something good come out of this horrible war?

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