Chávez ofrece refinería
Esteban Solís
* Será construida en León y tendrá un costo de US,500 millones y podrá procesar 150 mil barriles de petróleo
* También hizo referencias al modelo de la democracia participativa y directa a través de los consejos, con buenos resultados en su país
* Ocupó buena parte de su intervención para fustigar al presidente de Estados Unidos, George W. Bush

Varieties of imperial decline - Honduras and Miranda
by toni solo
On July 20th Presidents Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela and Daniel Ortega Saavedra of Nicaragua laid the foundation stone for a US$4 billion oil refinery called "El Sueño Supremo de Bolívar" - the Supreme Dream of Bolívar. The refinery, located on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, near the university city of Leon, will be capable of processing 150,000 barrels of oil a day. All told, the project will create over 3000 local jobs and is projected to generate profits of US$700 million a year. A joint venture company - ALBANISA - formed by the two State oil companies of Venezuela and Nicaragua, with 55% and 45% holdings respectively, will run the project. (2)

The refinery's first stone was laid at 5 p.m. local time (2300 GMT) Friday by Ortega and Chavez in Piedras Blancas (Puerto Sandino), near the Pacific coast and some 90 kilometers (55 miles) west of Managua.
Leon Nicaragua Photo Tour